Chapter 5: Flashback 5

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Here's a new chapter. I hope you like it.

Eight years later....

Davina was now 18 years old and she had blossomed beautifully over the years. She was bright, caring, polite, sweet and still as kind hearted as she was when she was a child. She also developed a sarcastic attitude which she got from her adoptive family. She also had a witty sense of humour.

Davina was more skilled in magic, the Mikaelson's couldn't find a better teacher for her since she refused to let anyone who wasn't her uncle Kol teach her magic. So Davina took to teaching herself which was hard at first but she soon became a pro with her magic and learning spells. Although Davina still had that problem with her eyes. She'd temporarily lose her vision, she'd stumble and walk into things. She also still woke up in the middle of the night screaming because she couldn't see, she'd go blind but the second her mother or one of her uncles fed her some blood, her vision was restored. Her adoptive mother and her uncles weren't sure what was wrong with her, they hadn't seen anything like it. They had tried to get to the bottom of what was wrong with her. They asked local witches if they knew anything but they knew nothing about it. Rebekah wanted answers as to why her adopted daughter was going blind and losing her balance. Kol was the only one who was close to finding out what was wrong with her but he's currently daggered and Klaus refuses to undagger him, claiming they can find answers on their own without Kol's help.

Ever since Davina became of appropriate age to court. Klaus had been introducing her to young men from the village and encouraging her to get to know them. Davina never ended up liking any of them though much to Klaus's annoyance as he was desperate to get her married so she would start having children to continue the Petrova bloodline, so he would one day get his hands on another doppelganger.

There was a boy in the village that Davina had become close too and Klaus was hoping they would start courting. He knew the boy fancied his adopted niece and he thought Davina was beginning to like him back but Davina only saw the boy as a friend.



After much persuasion from his siblings Klaus agreed to finally undagger Kol. Rebekah and Elijah insisted they needed his help to discover what Davina may have. They figured her going blind was down to an illness and they wanted to find out what it was so they could cure her.

Since Klaus had hid Kol's body, he left to go and undagger him alone while Elijah and Rebekah were preoccupied.

Klaus took one of the maids with him and went straight to the hut where Kol's body was hidden and he opened the coffin that hid his little brother. He pulled the dagger out of his chest and twirled the dagger between his fingers as he sat down while the maid remained by the coffin. The maid remained still and silent as Klaus had compelled her to be quiet and to not move a muscle.

Kol woke up with a gasp, a hand on his chest where the dagger would be. He sighed as he realized the dagger was no longer there before he suddenly felt the usual burning sensation in his throat. His eyes turned red and the veins under his eyes appeared as his fangs came out from his gums and his nose twitched slightly as he smelled warm, fresh blood that came from a beating heart. He shot out of the coffin and grabbed the maid that was stood by the coffin and he sank his fangs in her neck, sucking her blood. The maid squirmed slightly but didn't move anymore than that. Kol soon drained her body of blood and removed his fangs from her neck and let go of her body, letting her drop to the floor.

Kol wiped his mouth and looked up as he suddenly sensed another presence in the room. He scowled as he laid eyes on his brother who was sat on a chair, sporting a smug grin on his face. "Something funny brother?" he asked "not at all" Klaus replied as he stood up. "What do you want?" Kol asked clenching his fists "we require your help" Klaus replied making Kol scoff. "Oh no, no I'm not helping you with anything. You can kiss my ass" he retorted "It is not I that requires your help brother. It's our dear niece" Klaus responded making Kol frown. "What is wrong with Davina?" he asked "we think she may have an illness" he said "what illness?" Kol asked concerned for the girl that meant a lot to the family. "We aren't sure but it's something to do with her eyes" Klaus responded making Kol's eyes widen "she's still going blind and getting blurry vision?" he asked "yes" Klaus replied "how old is she now? How long have I been daggered for?" Kol questioned "you've been daggered for eight years. Davina is 18 and she's grown into a beautiful young woman" Klaus explained "she's been having problems with her eyes for eight years and you're just now undaggering me and letting me know?" Kol questioned "I'm undaggering you because it came to Elijah and Rebekah's attention that you were close to finding out what was wrong with her so after much persuasion on their end, I caved and decided to undagger you" Klaus explained making Kol scoff  "oh well that's just great. You only find it convenient to undagger me when you lot need help with something instead of actually undaggering me because you want me around" he said "are you going to help find out what's wrong with Davina?" he asked "of course I am because unlike you she hasn't daggered me numerous times" Kol replied "good now let's go. I want a solution and a way to cure Davina right away so I can get her married" Klaus said making Kol scoff "is that all you care about? Forcing her into some marriage where only you gain something from it" he said "I care about Davina's happiness. She will make one man very happy but first I need to solve this issue with her eyes otherwise no man is going to want to marry her. Nobody wants a blind wife" Klaus responded making Kol scoff in disgust. "You're unbelievable" he spat as he walked past his brother as they left the hut.

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