3: That was so random, dude, I can't even

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Gus sat fiddling with his phone.

"What's up with my favorite shorty?" Willow came right over and ruffled his head.

Gus laughed before saying, "same as always, hey, where's Luz and Amity?"

"Hm?" Willow chirped as she sat down and said, "why do you ask??"

Gus shrugged.

"I dunno... I always see the three of you making everyone around you miserable if they messed with any of you." He said.

"Same to you." Willow laughed as she raised her feet and crossed her legs on top of another student's desk.

"Still though, I've always wondered how you three got so close like this." Gus huffed.

Willow smiled.

"Y'now, you're like a little brother to me so why don't you ask me?? I'll answer you if you really want to know." She said.

"Really!?" Gus seemed happy to note that.

Willow nodded.

"Ok! Then, can you tell me how you met Luz?" Gus asked.

Willow cleared her throat before saying, "ok, so I was walking down the streets with my stuff, minding my own business when I was suddenly pulled into gunpoint by some old man."

Gus listened closely.

"So I told him to piss off and all, but I was immediately punched in the face for it and she just said something between the lines of, 'I don't care, give me your money now' kind of thing every robber does." Willow continued.

"Ohh, so did she come over and save you??" Gus wondered.

Willow laughed.

"Hell no, more like she was fighting with Amity and just happened to be passing by and saw me cornered in the shadows. I don't even know why but before I knew it, Amity threw a heavy knee unto the guy with Luz slamming a metal bat across his face." She said.

Gus was somehow mesmerized by that. Impressive.

"Oh, when you grow a few more heights taller maybe you'd be kicking butts like us too." Willow encouraged him.

Gus nodded.

"I've gotta make sure I have to be strong." He charmed.

Willow nodded before saying, "any more questions??"

"Oh, yeah, how'd you suddenly get along with Amity?? I thought you two hated each other and made a truce to not interact to avoid killing each other in school." Gus wondered.

"Oh, that, I bought her some band-aids and snacks when I saw her leaning back at a 7-11 somewhere at one in the night." Willow shrugged before continuing with, "I kind of got surprised I even saw her there all bruised up and all, guess I felt bad and helped her inside so I can get her patched up, the cashier didn't even mind me walking around helping her down."


Suddenly they heard a shout.

It was Amity.

"Fuck you!" She yelled across the hallway.

"Who the fuck is she yelling at..?" Willow mumbled.

"Oh, yeah!!? Fuck you too!!!"

"Oh," Willow immediately realized who's voice that was.

"Said by the one who slipped in the bathro---ahahahahahahahaha!!!!"

"Bitch, I'm stabbing your eyes out with this pen! You motherfucker!!"

It immediately followed with Luz chasing Amity down the hallway.

Willow and Gus were left in silence with a few students trying to lay low.

"That was so random, dude, I can't even..." She said.

"Wow, you guys are close together like BFFs." Gus chuckled.

"Oh, screw that." Willow scoffed making him laugh.

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