25: Fuck it

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They continued to walk further into the forest, the night getting deeper as they walked further away from supposed civilization.

"What happens if they start looking for us though?" Luz hummed before continuing with, "I mean Amity immediately becomes a missing person just because she went on a road trip without much consent."

"Fuck it." Amity scoffed.

"I agree with her." Willow derided as well.

Luz smirked.

"This is why you two are the best." She snickered.

Then they shared a moment of laughter before stopping at a clearing.

Luz pointed at the small, dark, run-down, moldy, old, and decaying house.

"This is where I found the journal I have, found it stuck up on the attic before falling when it gave out. I didn't break anything that time though." She said.

"Holy shit, I remember this place." Willow hummed.

"Huh?? Y... You do?" Amity chirped.

"Yeah, how about you??" Willow seemed breathless at the moment.

"No joke here but I remember this place too," Amity said.

Luz was surprised.

"What the fuck!?? Really??" She asked.

They nodded back.

"This is where I got my journal, found it lodged unto that bird's nest over that dying tree before I decided to try reviving it with the journal," Willow said while shining the light over a rotten very much dead tree.

"How about you?" Luz pointed at Amity.

"I think I remember getting sidetracked in these woods with Boscha once, we separated for a moment. I found mine in some rusty padlocked room with no windows." Amity said.

Luz was confused just like them now.

They've been here before, at different points of time with different reasons and actions towards the old thing.

"So... Do you two also know about the hidden basement?" Luz asked.

"What?? There's a basement in that thing!?" Willow shot up and pointed a finger at the old thing.

Luz nodded.

"Fuck, I should've really decided to explore inside than run off to hurry back home." Willow scoffed.

"I do remember feeling as if the floor I stood on was about to break before hurrying it out of there with the journal I got." Amity hummed.

"Well, you two know nothing about the locked basement," Luz began while pointing over to Willow before pointing over to Amity and saying, "And you didn't pay much attention because you were a bit cautious?"

"Of course I'd be cautious, unlike you, you run into danger like a dumbass you are." Amity taunted with an amused scowl.

Luz stuck her tongue out at her before turning her gaze back over to the house.

"So why'd you bring us here?" Willow hummed.

Straight to the point, she did so.

"I wanted to bring you two here just in case something bad happens to me," Luz said.

"Wow, you elaborated this so we can be your bodyguards??" Amity huffed.

"What?? No, I just need another few more sets of eyes so if I do see something, not everyone will think I'm crazy." Luz dejected.

"Ok, you smartass of a little shit, you wanna drag us both with you to an asylum if it does happen, huh..?" Willow chuckled before pulling them both forward to the house.

Walking up the small steps of the supposed porch, it creaked under them, warning them that it wants to break under them.

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