38: Nothing much other than playing with it

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Eda grunted as she gave a quick look over the school.

The screaming was piercing for her.

"Hey, turn it off," Amelia whispered over.

Salix reached into her right side pocket and turned it off without much problem.

"Sheesh, why was the bell even screaming when it's not even over yet unless they get to go home early." Eda scoffed as she lowered her hands down beside her waist.

"Oh, don't worry, we were just messing with the bell," Salix said.

Eda perked up.

"You were what?" She asked.

"Just messing with the bell," Amelia shrugged before continuing with, "I mean, you didn't really give us any other rules around here so we went around doing some stuff to pass time."

Eda smirked and asked, "so what did you three do with the bell?"

"This." Salix snickered and with a click on her phone inside her pocket, the bell began screaming again before stopping when she turned it off again.

Eda was in awe.

"Woah-ho-hooh!!" She laughed before turning her attention back to them.

"Anyway, I got it connected now, kid, took me a while to find it in the books but I got it connected now." She chimed.

"Oh, sweet!" Lucia smiled.

"We can go back home soon, huh..." Amelia sighed with a calm smile.

"Edalyn Clawthorne!!!"

Everyone glanced over the school when they heard a familiar voice shout.

It was the principal and it'd seem he wanted to give someone a piece of mind.


"Edalyn, I have not a clue why but first you set my clothes on fire, then toy with the school bell?? And how can I even forget! You flooded one of the bathrooms." He said.

Eda's eyes were wide in shock as she yanked her gaze over the three who averted them.

"Ok, ok..." She began.

"Which one with the bathroom?" She asked.

Amelia raised a hand.

"Why??" Eda asked.

"I got plenty bored so I burned the pipes off." Amelia shrugged before continuing with, "and someone was talking shit about Luz so I just decided to flood it while they were in there."

Eda huffed before asking, "how about burning his clothes?"

"We do it on an occasion whenever we would cross paths with our principal in our universe," Lucia said.

"And the bell?" Eda asked.

"Nothing much other than playing with it," Salix said.

Bump was in shock.

"You three are humans but you managed to do all of those in one day?" He asked.

"Well, she didn't give out any rules of what to do and what not to do here." Amelia scoffed.

Bump's jaw was hanging heavy in shock.

"Does Luz the human have anything to do with this as well?" He asked sternly.

"I wish!" Lucia laughed as she laid back on the seat.

Amelia and Salix snickered laughing at one another because of that.

Bump groaned rubbing his temple.

Three humans had somehow made his day miserable.

"Is there any possible way to punish you three?" He asked.

"Let them experience school here," Eda suggested.

The three immediately let out groans because of that.

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