6: Seriously?

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Luz sighed as she carried Amity behind her back and to Willow's apartment, which was somehow the closest place she could go to and the safest without her mom asking what she was doing or why Amity was drunk behind her back.

"Hup!" Luz laid Amity down on the couch and popped a stiff bone or two.

'Damn, all this hard work over nothing ' humming, she perked up when her phone rang.

It was Eda.

"Hey, Eda," she picked up.

She winced by the sudden shout on the other end as she tried to calm Eda down before saying, "listen, I got caught up in something and I had to give your packet to someone else for some sad reason but don't worry though, I'll buy you another packet of the same brand and money's on me too."

"Kid, I don't care about my smokes, just where the hell are you? It's passed eight, obviously late for dinner and you're still not back, Cami here is a bit worried that I had to take this call outside of the apartment."

Luz meekly smiled, even though Eda won't see it, it was by instinct.

"Sorry but I don't think I'll be back right now, I got caught up in a situation but you don't need to worry about it being dangerous like the usual, it's just I needed to help out a 'friend'." She said.

She heard a sigh on the other end before it hung up.

She frowned.

'Did she just hung up on me like that?' she wondered before shaking the thought off to tuck her phone away.

Sighing out loud, she didn't know what to do.

Amity was a bit drunk and might probably get a bit of a headache when she wakes up. Add up the fact that she kind of broke into Willow's place.

Well, Willow did tell her where her spare key is if she wanted to break-in.

Luz sighed before grabbing her phone to call Willow.

She flinched when she heard the ringing in the hallway not too far from her and Amity.

Walking over there, she walked inside a room full of computer screens connected with different screen displays.

Willow left her phone on the ground.

'Seriously?' she wondered as she picked it up before yelling in pain when she was hit in the head.


Luz hissed holding the side of her head.

A keyboard was thrown at her with pure intention to wanting to make one of her eyes go blind.

"What the fuck?!?" She yelled.

Willow crossed her arms.

"That's for not ringing the doorbell instead, jackass." She said as she knelt to grab her phone.

Luz growled in pain.

One of her eyebrows had a slit now, bleeding even.

"Fucking hell, Will, did you just try to make me go half-blind, fuck... It's even bleeding." She grumbled when she felt a tint of red on her fingertips.

"Yep, I did. So what's up? You don't really just barge in carrying Amity on your back like that." Willow shrugged.

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