31: What now, Luz!??

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Eda hurried faster with Luz running just beside her.

Casting a shield spell, she pulled Luz close to her but kept running while King slept in her mane like a baby.

Soon enough, they got into the front porch and Eda hurried in casting a spell to protect the house.

"Phew, we made it just in time before it could've hit us hard," Luz said as she carried a sleeping King in her arms.

King soon grumbled awake and stretched to get unto his own feet.

"Where are we?? Was selling over??" He mumbled.

Luz chuckled before saying, "Yep, selling was over so Eda and I had to rush back home because of the boiling rain weather forecast warning."

King huffed and sat with Luz, watching Eda create a shield around them for protection.

"Alright, kid, let's go inside now," Eda said after finishing up with the spell.

Luz nodded and walked inside.

They were immediately greeted by three humans lounging in the living room.

But they don't notice them.

Salix continued to type away, Amelia and Lucia were just flirt fighting each other in the most passive way possible.

"Who in the world are you, people!??" Eda yelled as she readied an attack spell.

"No, Eda, wait!! They're humans!!" Luz shot up when she noticed their ears.

Eda laid her spells down.

Salix continued to type away before suddenly yelling out, "Aaarghh--damn password!! How much ambition do you need from me to crack you!?"

"Chill out, Will, what's up??" Amelia snickered over.

"It's so damn hard cracking this gauntlet's internet password! How are we supposed to go back home if we don't figure it out correctly, and no, I don't want any of those dimension-hopping things." Salix said.

Lucia sat up and looked over noticing the people by the open door.

"Uhhh..." She stared at them all and they all stared back at her.

"What's up with the password then? Why are you trying so hard to get it connected to the laptop?" Amelia wondered.

Salix sighed and stretched before saying, "If I'm able to connect it, I might be able to figure out how to use this correctly as the buttons do not have names, and I don't want to risk using it as Luz did, and I might be able to easily track our own dimension down without much hassle because my parents might think we died or something."

"Uhm... Hey, you two..?" Lucia muttered.

"True, our parents might think we're dead if we're gone for too long but I'd prefer my parents do think like that on me and not just your's or Luz's here, Will." Amelia shrugged.

"Guys..." Lucia called out.

"Look, Amity, all I'm saying is that once we get back to our dimension and not this alternative one, we could all go back to how our lives were," Salix said.

"You seriously want me to go back to my miserable life!!?" Amelia yelled.

"Guys..!" Lucia called again.

"What!? Of course, not! That's not what I meant!" Salix shot up.

"Then what!? My parents are shit!! And the twins are an exception because they don't give two fuck about them just like I do! Just..! Fuck you, Willow!" Amelia yelled.

"Guys!" Lucia tried to call out louder.

"Oh, fuck you too, Amity! I'm the one who put up with your shit when we were young!" Salix hissed.

"Dipshit! You could've just moved on, fucking hell... You're the one to talk." Amelia growled.

"Guys!!!" Lucia yelled.

"What now, Luz!??" Salix and Amelia quickly yanked their head over and then noticed the shocked expressions over the others behind her.

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