18: You never trusted me for a while??

448 18 2

"That was some cop chase right there." Willow said as she turned left and began driving upwards.

It was afternoon now and they only stopped once to eat some lunch at some gas station and get gas while they were at it.

"True, luckily I decided to learn that invisibility spell yesterday." Luz said as she ate chips in the back.

Amity sighed.

"Fucking hell, they started with papers at me, probably happened yesterday too even." She said before continuing with, "well, magic and demons do the trick as always."

Luz glanced over to Amity with a frown before deciding to poke her.

"What the hell?" Amity was taken in surprise by such action.

"Are you ok?? Don't get so worked up with your parents getting all worried like that, I know they're shit with bonding but they sort of still care y'now. They even let the twins have some money to start a business when they didn't feel like finishing college." luz said.

"The hell?? Why are you bringing my parents up again? It's not like they did any physical or verbal abuse to me, they're just stupid and a bit careless." Amity scoffed.

"See?? If they know how to officially act smart, then you'd start saying, 'My family's the best' or, 'I love my family' and stuff." Luz said.

"I don't know what the hell you just said but I'll agree cuz' it sounds encouraging." Willow pondered as she continued driving up the road.

It was getting a bit dark now, it was probably four or so by then.

"Even though you're family is more passive chaotic than mine, I'll just stick to what you said because it also sounded encouraging." Amity huffed.

"You two are insufferable." Luz scoffed at them and laid back down on the backseat.

"No seatbelt again??" Amity asked as she scrolled through Instagram.

"Live life to the fullest, this problem is for future Luz not present Luz." Luz said before continuing with, "And besides... My... Past Luz... Doesn't have to handle any problems anymore."

Willow frowned.

"Luz, we know you had a shitty life in school when you were young." She said.

"What??? How'd you two know??" Luz shot up and sat up.

"Luz, you wanted to be 'friends', we need to know each other a lot. So Will here decided to do some background digging so we can trust you for real, you were always doing a lot of dumb shit after all." Amity said before turning her phone off to finally charge it with some light magic.

Luz exasperated a gasp and clutched her chest as if that was physical pain.

"You never trusted me for a while??" She cooed.

Willow and Amity did not feel any guilt about that.

"Fuck, cold eyes, huh... Fine... I guess I was pretty suspicious when we became friends." Luz scoffed.

Willow chuckled.

"Oh, I'm so sorry metal bat killer, I just really didn't trust anyone else other than Gus because of what happened between me and Amity, ok?" She said.

"Yeah, yeah, shitty parents, and that was the time where I haven't met you two yet, I know..." Luz sighed.

"Don't look sad, you would've been affected by that if you were present in the situation." Willow said before slowly parking in an empty spot.

They've finally arrived at exactly five PM.

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