4: Go on, have it

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Walking down the streets, Luz let her bag hang loose on one shoulder but enough to keep it from dropping to the floor or even dragging it.

Humming a tune, she kicked a can around before kicking it hard to make it fly off.

It hit a car's roof in the process with the driving getting jumped by it to slam on the car horn.

"Oh, shit!" Luz hissed as she turned an alley to hide.

Peeking by the side, she watched as the driver got out and looked around before getting back inside to drive off.

She relieved herself a long sigh before wincing when she felt a hand on her behind.

Turning around in shock, it was just one of her schoolmates.

"What the fuck was that for?? Do you want your ass kicked right now?" She growled.

The guy just laughed at her before saying, "I like you, I want you to be my girlfriend."

"What???" Luz was confused as hell.

"Be your what?? Why the hell would I even want to be your girlfriend, asshole? What a blunt psycho..." She asked, a fair distance was between the two in the alley.

"I don't care, I just want you to be my girlfriend." The guy was persistent.

"Ok, fuck you, and fuck no." Luz declined her hard and sternly.

Like she'd ever agree to something that ridiculous now.

The guy chuckles at her coldly, almost as if malice was in his tongue when he was born.

"Listen, I don't care, ok?? I just want you to be my girlfriend, nothing else." He said before continuing with, "and it's not like you're dating someone else, so have me. I'm cool and not just by looks y'now."

Luz felt irritated.

She could use her fists right now but if only she had brang her metal bat, she'd have the thrill to bash his skull in and play jeopardy over his life span when he gets sent to the hospital.

"Fuck off,"

Suddenly they heard a voice.

Looking over, it was Amity, and she did not look friendly at the moment as she continued to toy with the lighter in her hand while smoke flew aside her lit cigarette.

The guy clicked their tongue and left.

"Huh, thanks a lot, arsonist." Luz huffed as she watched the guy storm off.

Amity huffed, smoke flitting off in the air as she tucked her lighter away.

"No problem, I wanted to piss that guy off for taking the last good stick from the store anyway." She shrugged.

Luz raised a brow before checking through her side pockets to grab out a small box.

"What the hell?" Amity mumbled as Luz offered her the whole thing.

"It's the brand I'd look for." She scoffed before asking, "why are you pushing it towards me??"

"This is your favorite brand of sticks, right?? Because the nicotine here is somehow different from the other ones? Go on, have it." Luz said, nudging it for Amity to take.

Amity crossed her arms, smoke between her grinning lips as she asked, "why the hell would I take that from you who bought it??"

"It's a token of my appreciation here, you ungrateful son of a bitch, don't test my patience." Luz blurted out in irritation at their situation.

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