5: You don't even smoke, what the fuck?

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"You don't even smoke, what the fuck?" Amity laughed as she grabbed the small box.

Luz laughed.

"That was for my mom Eda, she likes the same brand as you. She asked if I could sneak in some for her to smoke out on the rooftop of our apartment."

Amity whistled in awe before huffing smoke.

"I thought your other mom, the nurse one didn't like smoking." She wondered.

Luz shrugged before saying, "what she doesn't know won't hurt her."

"No shit, Sherlock, you're just risking your asses off to someone who's a qualified nurse." Amity chuckled.

Luz frowned staring at her.

"Y'know, sometimes I wonder why your smoking habit hasn't killed you." She said.

"Same for Eda." Amity scoffed.

"Eda doesn't smoke always! She just does it once a week, one stick a week to keep it low, I don't even know why she does it that way but fuck it." Luz scowled.

Amity laughed before saying, "yeah, yeah, I get that... Anyway, when are you going home?"

Luz raised a brow.

"Why??" She asked.

"No reason." Amity shrugged.

Luz frowned and took a step towards her.

"What the fuck does that even mean?" She whispered aloud.

Amity stuck her tongue out for a split second before saying, "my parents just got back from their business trip and the twins are covering for me. I don't want to sit my ass down and listen to them talk about business opportunities with me marrying some other companies son and shit."

Luz stood upright.

"Right... I forgot your parents are a little shit to you when it comes to... Hanging out with you like family bonding kind of thing anymore..." She sighed.

Amity chuckled.

"Well, what comes around goes around, I'm going to fuckin burn them inside the goddamn manor one day when the line gets crossed off by their dirty shoes..." She said.

Luz shot up by the sudden cold and petrifying vibe Amity was suddenly giving.

"Chill out, dude..! Jesus... if you commit arson like that you'll get caught and sent to some far away juvenile prison." She said.

Amity sighed and took a deep breath to calm down from her bloodlust.

"I just want them off of my back, is that so hard to ask for?" She mumbled.

Luz flinched when she suddenly saw her shed a tear.

'Oh, fuck, what do I--???'

She didn't know how to comprehend the situation.

'Why is she crying like that out of nowhere and in public too, didn't Willow just tell me once that she doesn't cry that easily!?'

Gulping, she reached a hand over and patted Amity's shoulder.

"Fuck... I kind of suck with calming someone down but why are you suddenly crying like that? Willow said you don't cry like a baby this easily." She said as she took a step forward to look at Amity's face.

Amity sighed, already finished with her smoke, she tried to open an eye.

"Shit, I can't even see properly with all those spinning looks." She scoffed.

Luz raised a brow before leaning over. She got a whiff of alcohol from Amity's lips.

"What the fuck are you doing??" Amity asked as she shoved Luz off.

Luz didn't budge.

"Amity..." She hummed.

"Did you drink a bit??" She asked.

"So what if I did??" Amity scoffed at her.

Beta Attraction (the owl house FANFICTION)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang