42: Yeah, yeah, she definitely forgot her book

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They laughed talking to one another at a table in the cafeteria.

"Hey, you three!"

They all perked up and glanced over to the source to see Luz running over to them with her friends.

"Hey!" Lucia charmed a smile back as they rushed over and took a seat with all of them.

"Huh, never seen you before... What's your name?" Lucia wondered over the green-haired witch.

"Oh! This is Amity!" Luz chided as she pulled Amity to sit beside her.

Amity flushed a bit as she nodded trying to keep a steady heart.

"Ohh... That's a catchy name~" Salix cooed over.

Amelia scoffed and nudged her by the shoulder to laugh.

"Stop." She scoffed.

Lucia grinned and placed an arm around Amity while asking, "so what do you do for fun, Amity??"

Amity hummed before saying, "reading books??"

Lucia's eyes widened in surprise as she yanked her gaze over to Amelia who had already gazed off to the big windows.

"Did you hear that you two?? Amity here likes reading when she has free time!" She snickered over.

Salix stifled a grin and laugh.

"Oh, so what kind of books do you like?? Maybe you and Luz here read a book in common?? Luz here likes to also read books in her spare time, right?" Lucia hummed.

"Oh! We like reading the good witch Azura together! We even have a secret Azura book club." Luz smiled over.

"Wha--Luz, it's a secret on purpose!" Amity whispered aloud.

Luz lowered herself.

"Oops!" She bit her tongue under a sly smirk.

Salix fell into a fit of laughter holding her stomach because of that.

Lucia and Amelia were silent with wide shocked eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Salix tried to calm down.

"Let me get this straight, if we actually met at this point of time in our universe this is how you two would've hung out??" She laughed.

"Oh, shut the fuck up." Lucia groaned.

Salix only laughed harder in response before pointing at Amelia and saying, "And here I thought she would read on casual times with her when I'm absent for class."

"It was only one time because this dumbass forgot to bring her book to school!" Amelia hissed.

"Yeah, yeah, she definitely forgot her book." Salix cooed.

"Wha--tell Will her that!!" Amelia flares at Lucia.

Lucia stared at her for a moment or two before slowly glancing off.

Salix threw another fit of laughter, this time she was slamming a bawled hand unto the table.

"Ok, ok, I need the bathroom..." She coughed trying to calm down as she stood up to leave.

"I didn't forget to bring it to school... It got chucked into the river by Boscha." Lucia mumbled.

Amelia was shocked.

"You're telling me I could've just squared with that bitch ages ago!??" She yelled.

"Don't yell that! We weren't even this close as friends at that time so why would I just go up to you and say so??" Lucia yelled back.

"Don't tell me what to yell and what not to yell!! You're yelling too! And I've had it with that fucker for a while and you wasted that kind of opportunity for an easier friendship!" Amelia hissed.

"Is this... A normal human thing..?" Amity whispered when Lucia suddenly sprung up from beside her.

"Stop being a bitch about it! Friendship my ass, you dumped toilet water on me on the first day of me attending there with her right beside you!!" Lucia yelled.

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