12: Woah, no shit sherlock

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They were running away for a while at this point on.

"Hey, y'now," Luz hummed as she sat eating chips at the backseat.

Willow and Amity glanced over the rearview mirror at her.

"What?" Willow chirped as she glanced back on the road.

Luz hummed before saying, "this is practically running away..."

"For a while at least." She added.

"Gee, what made you say that, dumbass??" Amity's sarcasm was on point at the moment.

Luz eyed her.

"If you start beating the shit out of each other, I will turn this car around." Willow scoffed.

Amity and Luz laughed.

"Gee, sorry for eyeing her dead, mom." Luz cooed.

Willow rolled her eyes before slowly turning to a dirt path.

Amity and Luz were confused.

"Is this it??" Amity wondered.

"Nope, we just need to hide in the woods to toss this plate somewhere and toss this bucket of liquid I made to change the car's color." Willow said.

Amity and Luz were both amused.

"Did you stay up all night just to make some kind of magical water for your car??" Amity asked.

"Well, the witch journal containing some useful stuff helped." Willow shrugged.

"Boring." Amity cooed.

"Oh, what?? Fuck you, the only stuff you find fun on your witch journal was the burning magic that won't get you caught." Willow taunted.

"Hah! Likewise." Amity sneered.

Willow chuckled before putting the car into a stop.

"Let's get started, the stuff is in the trunk, get for the car, Luz." She said as she got off with Amity and Luz following suit.

"Are you sure you took your sweet time to read the spell potion though?" Amity asked.

"Only one way to find out." Luz smirked as she grabbed the canister with red liquid.

'Shit looks like blood.' Amity wondered before grabbing it and popping the lid off to splatter it around the car.

"Go nuts dumping it on the car, it's not gonna leave a stain on the ground." Willow said as she finished with unscrewing both car plates off of the car.

Luz smirked as an idea popped into her head.

"Ah, shit!" She faked a hiss as she accidentally dumped a bit on Amity on purpose.

"Oy! What the fuck!!?" Amity yelled, her clothes were tainted now.

Willow laughed as she tossed the car plates in different places without much worry.

"Well, shit, don't worry though, it'll disappear like invisible ink." She said.

Amity growled.

"Well, it better be because if it doesn't, I'm strangling the shit out of you, you fucking jackass." She hissed while pointing a finger at Luz who wore a smug grin at her.

"Yeah, yeah, I get that." Luz laughed as she continued dumping the rest into the car.

The windows were all tainted along with the whole car.

"Get in and get ready to go invisible for exactly two hours on the road." Willow smirked as she grabbed a paper with a symbol in it lit it in fire.

Immediately did white sparks cover the whole car before the liquid disappeared.

"Woah??" Luz hummed in confusion.

"Now what?" She asked.

"We're invisible now, of course, we can see them but they can't." Willow grinned.

When they got back on the road, Willow purposely bumped a bicycle minding its business at the side.

The cyclist fell but looked around confused as if nobody was there.

"Woah, no shit sherlock..." Luz was impressed just like Amity.

They were invisible to everyone.

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