30: Welp, I'm bored, give me cuddles

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Hooty welcomed the three inside.

"This place is comfy." Lucia cooed as she rushed and sat down on the couch.

"I'll take you in for shelter on the boiling rain, for now, hoot, hoot." Hooty said.

Wow, how considerate for someone who doesn't have a soul.

"Thanks, Hooty!! You're my friend!!" Lucia yelled over as she lay on the couch with her arms stretched out.

Salix rolled her eyes and looked around.

Humming, she perked up when she saw what looked like a laptop under a few piles of other stuff.

Walking over and grabbing it, she flipped it open to frown. It had a small crack but she wanted to know if it'd work.

Nope, did not work.

Grumbling, she jumped a bit when she heard thunder. It was going to rain for sure. Wait, thunder?

Humming, she pulled her sleeve up to use her gauntlet.

She smiled when it helped her.

"This is some really bad boy shit." She mumbled as she took a seat on the floor beside Lucia to check on the computer.

"Whatcha up to, dipshit??" Lucia hummed.

"Nothing much, just gonna see if I can use the gauntlet even more on this computer," Salix said as she felt a little convenient over the fact that the gauntlet on her had its internet that needed a few codes cracking to do to connect unto the old broken laptop she was using.

"Oh my fucking god..."

Lucia and Salix glanced over the direction of where they heard Amelia's voice.

"Bitch, you gotta try this!! This is some good shit!" Amelia yelled while holding a wine bottle with a weird wine name.

Apple Blood.

"I feel awake as fuck!!" Amelia yelled.

"Or you're drunk off of your ass instead, dumbass." Salix chided.

Lucia laughed and hopped off of the couch to grab the bottle from her.

Amelia didn't budge when she grabbed it.

"Honestly, I don't feel dizzy or anything but I feel like I just drank a mug of some good coffee express." She said.

Lucia was now curious.

"Oh, don't you fucking dare..."

Lucia glanced over to Salix when she suddenly growled at her.

She only smirked and took one gulp off of it.

It immediately shot up to her and she was quick to scream out loud.


"Yeah!!! That's the Luz I know!!" Amelia yelled.

"Oh, for fuck sakes..." Salix wheezed trying to hide a smile and stifle a laugh at the situation.

"It's fine, Sap! It is just like how coffee is." Lucia said as she handed it over to her with a smile.

Salix thought it over.

She wanted to try it but she was unsure if it'd get her drunk even just a bit.

"Just a taste." She muttered.

Amelia and Lucia cheered her on and sat down on the couch.

"Oh... Fuck--" Salix couldn't hold a smile back, she just couldn't.

It was like an energy drink for her.

"Ok..." She wheezed a laugh out of her system.

"I'm not drunk but I feel like I drank an energy drink just now." She said before going back to her work.

"Welp, I'm bored, give me cuddles." Amelia scoffed as she pulled Lucia down on the couch with her.

Lucia didn't even budge in the slightest when she laid above her.

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