2. CIRCUS ☑️

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KAYLA WAS SITTING in Sue's office next to a sophomore named Kitty Wilde and it was hardly Kayla's idea of a good time. Kitty was basically a mixture of Santana and Quinn and clung to their coach like she was the master of the universe. Obviously Kayla didn't agree and any time she had to spend in Sue's office was a time she despised. She had better things to do, like skyping Ollie or dancing with Blaine.

"Listen up, hamhocks. Here's the deal; Brittany—she's out. I kicked her off, so I'm in need of a new captain and you two flamey rejects are on the top of the list. Who's in?" Sue asked, insulting her the same way she had done every day for the past four years. The insults were a lot softer this time around. Becoming a mother had made her at least a little nicer.

Kitty immediately offered herself up, basically kissing Sue's ass for the captain position, but Kayla couldn't be more uninterested and that piqued her coach's interest. She snapped her fingers, ushering Kitty out. "Congratulations, Kayla. You're our new captain."

Sue sent Kitty out with the beckon of her fingers and the younger girl sent a glare Kayla's way that only made her roll her eyes and chuckle. She crossed one leg over another as she sat further back in the chair, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't know if you noticed, but she's the one that wanted the spot. Not me." Kayla said after a few moments of silence.

"I know. I also don't care. I hate teacher's pets. You may hate me and most of the girls on this team, but we all know you love cheering, so pick up your homoerotic jacket off my chair and start coming up with some routines, sweet cheeks. You're our new Brittany."

Kayla snorted, pulling her jacket with a big rainbow flag on the back onto her shoulders as she flipped off Sue and walked out. She heard Sue yelling out as she left the office, "Love that enthusiasm, Rexy!"

She sighed. Once again, her infamous nickname was back. As she walked down the hallway to go to her car she saw Wyatt and Blaine talking at the latter's locker. Her eyes were trained especially on the grin on Wyatt's face as he laid a hand on Blaine's forearm. Wow, she hated it here.


Kayla was hiding from the rest of the world (but mostly Sue and the rest of the Cheerios) in the choir room before glee rehearsals. Mr. Schuester had instated yet another Britney week, but at least this time maybe they could actually perform more than one number without it turning into a sex riot. She sat in a chair in the back corner chuckling to herself. She liked to think back to her sophomore year. That was the week that she decided she was going to get Rachel back and the week Schuester sent her to the office for calling him out. A lot had changed since then. Now Mr. Schuester was marrying the woman he used to creep on, Rachel was in New York working on her Broadway dreams, and Kayla was still singing songs in the same choir room with her love directed at someone else for a change. Ollie was doing great in L.A. She and Mercedes had a few classes together and she gave her updates on how Puck was doing. She missed him a lot.

"What's up, Smalls?" a familiar cheeky voice met her eardrum and she looked up with a bright grin when she saw Puck in front of her, walking into the choir room. And just like the time he got out of juvie, she jumped onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist as she yelled his name.

"Noah! What are you doing here?" she asked incredulously. She had missed him so much.

"What, I can't visit my fake girlfriend without a hidden agenda?" Puck asked, making Kayla roll her eyes and let go of him. Her arms wrapped over her chest and she gave him a look as if to say that she knew he was lying.

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