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does he love you


KAYLA WAS HAVING separation anxiety and Blaine was on a power trip this week. Kayla was pretty sure it had to do with the fact that he was missing Kurt again and worrying about the results of his NYADA audition. Kayla got her acceptance letter to Columbia when she got back home and she was really excited about college, but more so the prospect of getting to see Rachel all the time.

Everyone was jamming out in the choir room when Blaine burst in with his own ideas about what they should do for Nationals, all of which included very Warbler-esque premises. Tina called him Blaine Jong-Il and that's where it started really going downhill.

Blaine got defensive, stating, "I'm not trying to be bossy, but I have won more show choir competitions than anyone in this room!"

Tina, Sam, and Artie's faces were riddled with offense, but Kayla stared at him and spoke dryly. "The Warblers never even made it to Nationals, dude."

Blaine huffed, pulling his messenger bag over his shoulder. "Fine. If you don't want my help, then I'm not gonna give it." He proceeded to storm over to Mr. Schuester's office and plop on the couch, wearing a big pout because things weren't going his way.

Kitty quipped. "Looks like somebody's manstrating."

"I heard that!"

Kayla rolled her eyes, deciding to sit in the back corner. She didn't really feel like being around anyone right now. There wasn't anything wrong in particular. She just felt kind of lonely since she left New York, so she sat down and popped in her earbuds, immediately tuning into a familiar number by Reba. Sue her for using country music to relax. Reba was a country goddess. She could feel a draft hitting her back and suddenly her eyes were shutting close and she was letting the music take her away.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw Sam and Rachel chest-to-chest in front of her. She furrowed her brow. Where the hell did Rachel come from and why did it look like she was about to punch Sam in the face? Then the first strings of that song she was playing were filling the room and suddenly the two loves of her life were singing to each other and basically ignoring her presence all together.

< does he love you, reba mcentire ft. linda davis >

"I've known about you for a while now. When she leaves me, she wears a smile now. As soon as she's away from me, in your arms is where she longs to be." Sam sings, pointing in Kayla's direction, but not looking her way. She noticed the way the pronoun was changed and realization hit her that she must be having one hell of a dream if she was imagining Rachel and Sam fighting over her through song.

Rachel countered with the next verse. "But you're the one she rushes home to. You're the one she gave her name to. I never see her face in the early morning light. You have her mornings, her daytimes and sometimes I have her nights."

Once Rachel finished, both parties made eye contact with her and suddenly it was like the whole perspective of the song changed and they were no longer singing to the other person but to Kayla, asking her to make a choice.

"But does he love you (does she love you) like you love me? Does he think of you (does she think of you) when you're holding me? And does he whisper all his fantasies? Does he love you (does she love you) like you've been loving me?"

Rachel's hand reached for hers and she squeezed it back, ignoring Sam's presence altogether and she finally realized. Fuck, I'm in love with Rachel again.


That hallucination in the choir room was the least of her worries when a few days later, Bree was approaching her in the hallway with a solemn look and shifty eyes. It was the first time she had ever seen her look any semblance of not put together, but despite that, she really wasn't interested in what the cheerleader had to say. She had enough to think about now that she'd realized she was falling for Rachel again and her feelings for Sam still hadn't subsided yet. All those thoughts disappeared, however, when Bree opened her mouth.

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