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secret love song


KAYLA'S FIRST REACTION to Myron Muskovitz is who the hell is this kid? One minute she's just talking with Rachel and Sam in the choir room and then the next Sue is dragging them to the auditorium to watch the superintendent's nephew bust down to Destiny's Child. He's a little diva and it's lowkey entertaining to watch him. That's all until she's been wrestled into helping at his bar mitzvah and suddenly she wishes she had been anywhere other than the choir room ten minutes ago.

"You realize I'm not a coach, right?" Kayla asks Rachel in the break room as they wait for Mr. Slut to join them. She's still refusing to call him Will.

Rachel frowns. "Well, yeah, but Kurt's off on his honeymoon and you have teaching experience. Please, please help me?"

Rachel has her hands clutched together and is batting her eyelashes incessantly. Kayla is putty for it, so she nods, if a bit hesitant.

"Okay, but if this goes south, you know it's not on me, right? I am a teacher in training."

She feels a clap on her shoulder and looks up to see Mr. Schuester. He says, "You're gonna be a great teacher someday, Kayla. You remind me of myself."

Kayla grimaces. "You taught Spanish because it was the only thing available. We are not the same, William Nilliam."

"Oh, a new nickname?"

She smirks into her coffee cup. "Don't flatter yourself. We're never retiring Slut."

He sighs, sitting down in the chair across from them and shaking his head away from his conversation with Kayla. "Okay, fill me in on these kids. What are they like?"

Rachel talks straight out of her ass. "Oh, they're great. Really nice. So energetic, but they're quiet, you know? They're very... like, within themselves."

"Quiet... because you're always talking?" Will suggests and Kayla snorts into her drink. Rachel gasps and punches her arm, but it doesn't stop Kayla from laughing anyway.

Kayla sets down her cup. "Here's what you need to know; Jane and Mason like each other, but Madison is cockblocking them. Spencer is still being a dick to Roderick and Kitty is just kind of there? She's having a hard time adjusting to this new group."

Will looks at Rachel with a matter-of-fact expression. "Thank you, Kayla. At least someone has been paying attention to the kids. Take some lessons, Rachel. That's the only way this club is going to succeed."

Will leaves them alone after that, but they don't say anything. Things are kind of awkward right now. Kayla and Sam aren't officially broken up yet, but it's clear it's going that way and she wants so much to just scream from the rooftops that she loves Rachel Berry, but it's not the time or place. Right now, it's about getting their kids ready for this bar mitzvah.


Kayla's already in a bad mood. Not only has she forcibly become co-coaches with Rachel, but Myron has decided that he wants all the adults to perform too and maybe she's being overdramatic, but she does not want to perform for a bunch of preteens like Sam did during his Justin Bieber Experience bullshit. She's pondering this while being a lunch monitor and she isn't even sure they had those while she went here. All she knows is that watching a bunch of kids eating and gossiping is hardly her idea of a good time.

All until she notices Mason and Madison in line.

They're not quiet in the slightest—well, at least Madison isn't.

"Because I want to do a duet with her. And maybe take her out on a date." Mason says and Kayla watches Madison shut him down immediately.

"Mmm. No. Massive mistake. I won't allow it."

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