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I just wanted to say that i love you guys so much, like so so so so so much. you guys mean everything to me with all your amazing support, you don't know how many times i am speechless when i see the amount of votes, comments and reads this story gets. I really appreciate it and i love you so much. <333

thank you <3

like 106 in fanfiction falskjflaskdjf you guys are the bestest :)



I park outside of Abigail's house and cut off the engine, opening my door to step out into the chilly air. I walk around the car to the side Abigail is in, and open the door for her. 

"Thank you, Mr. Styles." She quietly says, the encounter in the classroom still haunting her thoughts. It makes me sad, but I give her a smile and help her out of the car. 

"No worries, Abigail." She stands besides me, holding her bag about to sling it onto her back. "Here, let me take that for you." I offer, holding my hand out.

She gives me a shy smile and hands it over. I quickly close the door to my car and walk with her to her front door.

"Hey, it's okay, Abigail." I tell her, not wanting her to be upset any longer. 

"I'm sad for Jazzy. I never saw her this upset before."

"I know. But I will take good care of her, so don't you worry." I give her a wide smile. Abigail takes in a deep breath and nods, a smile also forming on her face. 

We reach her front door and I ring the door bell. A few seconds later, a woman in her late thirties comes out. I explain the situation to her, saying that I am Abigail's teacher and Jasmine's friend, and offered to drop them off since Jasmine didn't have her car. Mrs. Roberts thanks me for my kind actions, adding in that Jasmine 'is still trying to find her way in this big world'. I wave the both of them goodbye and walk back to my car, hoping in and starting the engine once more. 


"Here." I say, sitting besides Jasmine and giving her a Kit Kat bar that I got from inside my cupboard. Jasmine looks over at the chocolate in my hands and slowly takes it, looking into my eyes and giving me a small, sad smile. 

I stay silent as I watch her in the corner of my eye. She slowly unwraps the chocolate and takes a bite from the bar. 

We just came into my flat not too long ago. Ella went to her room to play and Jasmine immediately sat on the sofa. She hasn't spoken a word since Ian called her a slut, and it honestly breaks my heart knowing she is in a lot of pain. 

A minute later Jasmine finishes the Kit Kat bar and an exhausted sigh escapes her lips. The sound makes me frown, all I want to do at the moment is make her happy. 

"Jaz," I say quietly, putting my hand on her knee. She doesn't budge. "Do you want another chocolate bar?" I offer. She breathes out, a soft smile on her lips as she looks at me once more. 

"Actually, yeah. That would be nice right now." I give her a smile and stand up, walking over to the cupboard to grab another chocolate bar. I walk back to the sofa and hand it to her as I sit besides her. "Thanks."

"No problem." I say. She opens the packet and takes a bite from one of the sticks. "You know, it hurts me to see you like this." I admit to her, a light blush on my cheeks. 

"What?" She asks, looking at me confused. "Why?" 

"Because, I don't like seeing you upset."

"Oh." She says, surprised.

"Ian is an arse who never deserved you, Jaz." 

"I just can't believe he called me that." She says, looking off into the distance. I frown, her reaction still on repeat inside of my head. 

"You deserve someone who can make you happy." I say, making her look at me. I move closer to her, putting my arm around her frail body to give her a hug. 

"Do you think you can make me happy?" She asks, resting her head against mine. I bite my lip in thought, suprised with her question. I have no clue of the meaning behind it, but I decide to go for the answer that I truly believe in. 

"I do." I say, taking a deep breath. Jasmine lifts her head up and turns it so she is looking straight into my eyes. I give her a nervous smile, waiting for what she is going to do. 

"You already have." She says, a smile growing on her pink lips. 

My heart starts beating faster at her words, the room suddenly feeling hot. My hands start sweating as I search into her beautiful brown eyes, trying to figure out what she is going to do next. 

Her hand gently rests on my jaw as we continue looking at each other. It feels as though the world has stopped moving and we are frozen in time holding onto one another as if our lives depended on it. 

As Jasmine stretches her chin upwards, that is when it finally confirms the thoughts inside of my head. I turn my head slightly to the left, bending down to meet her halfway. When I see our lips are about to touch, Jasmine closes her eyes and so do I. 

I feel our noses brush against each other making my heart pound even harder. Then, the second after, I feel our lips touch in the softest most gentlest kind of way possible. The contact makes my head feel light and butterflies flutter inside of my stomach, it makes me hold in my breath. 

When we pull away, I am left panting even though it was a simple peck that lasted a few seconds. I look at Jasmine and see her chest rising and falling too. She avoids my gaze and looks at the black TV screen across the room. My heart starts to pound with fear as she still doesn't look at me. 


"I got to go." She says suddenly, standing up to get out of my hold. A frown settles on my eyebrows as I gulp, standing up too. 

"Okay." I squeak out. 

"Tell Ella I will see her later." I nod, but she doesn't see since she turns around and walks to the front door. She quickly slips on her boots and before I know it she is out of the door. 

What the fuck was that? 

I am left standing in my spot in the middle of the living room, feeling confused and rejected. I raise my hand to my lips, touching the smooth surface with the tips of my fingers. 

Did that kiss mean anything special to her? Because it did to me.

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