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thank you so much again @imani148dr for making this amazing cover for me. you're incredibly talented 💜

i hope you're ready for this chapterrrrrr :p



"Harry, are you sure about this?" Gemma asks me, a serious look on her face.

"Of course I am, Gem."

"But you just made up yesterday."

"I love her. And she loves me."

"Once you do this, there's no way you can back out."

"I won't back out," I smile at her. "This is what I want." I look down at the object in my hand, my smile just growing wider. I return my gaze to my sister, seeing a smile finally reach her face.


"I really like this one. What do you think?" I ask her. She carefully holds it in her hand and slips it on. She holds her hand out in front of her as we both inspect how it looks. "Do you think it's the one?"

"Definitely," she nods with approval, making me let out a huge grin. "I can't believe my baby brother is going to get married."

"Hey, I didn't ask her yet," I chuckle as she hands me back the ring.

"She's going to say yes, though."

"But what if she doesn't," I immediately say, the smile wiping off my face as a look of worry takes over. "That would be so awkward!"

"She won't because as you said, she loves you. She loves Ella as well, and she loves being a mother figure even though she doesn't know what she's doing half the time. I don't blame her, though, because I still don't know how to be a mother and James is almost two." She gives me a reassuring smile but I stand there still afraid that she will say no. "We will get this, please," Gemma says to the jeweller.

"Do you want to have it engraved?" He asks as I hand him the ring.

"Oh..." I say completely shocked. I didn't think of this before. Gemma just laughs at me.

After a few minutes of thinking, I finally think of the perfect phrase. It may be a bit cheesy but it's only the truth.

"You forever have my heart," I tell the man.


After a successful shopping trip with Gemma, I head back home and enter the flat, seeing Jasmine and Ella laughing as they watch Tangled. Rapunzel just knocked out Flynn for the first time. I slip off my coat and sneakily take out the velvet box from the pocket, putting it in my shopping bag. I place it beside the front door, for now, before walking into the living room.

"Hi, dada!" Ella comes running up to me. I kneel down and open my arms, giving her a tight hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Ella," I smile. "How was your day with Jasmine?" I ask as Jasmine walks over to me. I look at her, seeing dark circles under her eyes. She gives me a grin but it doesn't fool me at all.

"It was great! Jazzy made pizza for lunch, and then we had a tea party. And now we are watching Disney movies!" Ella says with a huge grin on her face. 

"That sounds like so much fun, Ella," I say to my daughter before I give my girlfriend a tight hug. "Are you alright?" I whisper in her ear.

"I'm exhausted," she whispers back. "And I'm really craving a cigarette right now." I pull away and look into her eyes, seeing how they look so empty. It breaks my heart. I grab her hand and lead us to the sofa where Ella is seated.

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