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Speaking of four, I am so excited for the album ahhhhh I know it will slaaayyyyyy 



"Hi, Abigail." I see the girl sitting by herself at her table independently. All the other kids got picked up by their parents already. The five year old looks up from doodled paper, her brown eyes meeting mine. 

"Hi, Mr. Styles." She smiles showing off her missing front tooth. 

"What are you drawing?" 

"My dog." 

"Oh you have a dog?" She nods. "What's his or her name?"

"His name is Max. He's orange. Do you have a dog, Mr. Styles?" I chuckle. 

"No, I don't. I have my daughter, though. She's enough to handle at the moment." Abigail cocks her head to the side, curious as to what I have just said.

"I didn't know you have a daughter. Is she a baby?"

"She's your age. Her name is Ella."

"That's a pretty name. But aren't you too young? My parents are old. And they wear rings. Where's your ring?" She points to my left hand. 

"My ring is right here." I point to the one on my index finger on my right hand. 

"No, no. Wedding ring." She points to my left hand again. 

"I don't have one." I give her a small smile. 

"Why? My mum always says marry and then kids." She cocks her head again. I exhale. 

"Speaking of your mum, where is she?" 

"My cousin is picking me up. Her name is Jazz. Oh, there she is!" She points to the door excitedly and runs off. I look up and immediately see the bright purple hair. 

"HI Abigail." I hear her say. I get up from the chair and walk towards the two girls. Jasmine looks up and when he sees me her eyes go slightly wide with recognition. 

"Oh, I need to pee." Abigail says and starts running inside the washroom that is situated in the classroom. 

"Hey, Jasmine." I say with a smile. She gives me a small one back. 

"Hi, Harry." She pulls out her phone and starts typing away. Really polite and sociable... 

"I didn't know you are related to Abigail." I try to bring up a conversation to break the awkward silence. 

"And I didn't know you were her teacher." She says making me frown. "But yes, we are related. But then again, we just met once so you couldn't have known." She looks back down on her phone and types away once more. 

I don't understand this person. I didn't know she could be such a bitch. I did nothing wrong for her to act like this towards me. 

"So where's Ella?" I look at her with a raised eyebrow, but she doesn't see since she is still looking at the screen of her phone. 

"She's at day care." She just nods. "Next time you shouldn't come late if you are picking up Abigail." I state. She just shrugs. 

"Traffic." She states with another shrug making my eyebrows frown. 

'Then you should leave earlier. If you live here in London, you would know that the traffic is ridiculous." I humorously laugh and look inside the classroom to see Abigail running towards us.

"I'm back!" The girl smiles and stands besides Jasmine who is looking at me with a raised eyebrow and judging look. I shift my body weight to my other foot and smile towards Abigail not wanting to expose the true feelings I am feeling right now.

"Everything alright?" I ask Abigail. She nods with a giggle. 

"Did you just ask if her pee break went alright?" Jasmine squints her eyes at me. I roll my eyes at her, absolutely done with her shit.

"Bye, Mr. Styles." Abigail waves. I wave back with a smile. 

"See you tomorrow, Abigail. Bye, Jasmine." I say to be polite.

"Bye." She says with fake enthusiasm. 

They walk away and I watch as Jasmine converses with her younger cousin. Abigail is such a sweet girl, but Jasmine is the complete opposite. The only thing alike is their independence. Jasmine makes me angry, frustrated, uncomfortable, nervous and annoyed all at the same time. I don't understand how someone could possibly be that rude.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I walk into the classroom, pulling the device out from my pocket to see that Lauren has texted me. A smile forms on my face. 

Lauren: Hey, Harry! What's up? Want to grab some coffee tomorrow morning? :) x 

I look up from my phone, examining the room as I think for a while. Lauren is a nice person. Nice and pretty. I don't see why there would be a problem to go out for coffee with her. It will be a great chance to know more about her and become closer friends. 

Me: Sure, that sounds great! .x 


Tell me your thoughts?

Going to update everyweek, sorry for the lack of updates! 

I love you xxx

~ May <3

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