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Happy New Year! I hope 2015 will be a good year for you <3 



My breathing seems to have stopped as I stare into those pleading eyes, shocked that I am actually seeing this side of her. It makes me question how much she is hiding from me and from everyone else because usually she is that confident girl that doesn't care about what other people thinks, but right now I am seeing someone completely different. I am seeing someone who is so vulnerable and so scared? It's like she's scared almost. 

But that look vanishes as fast as it came and Jasmine is holding her head up high as she looks at her parents. But even though her confident facade is showing through, I can still see the helpless girl pleading for me to save her. 

So that is what I do. I stand up from my seat and hold the bottle of wine before Jasmine can grab it, giving her a soft smile as to say that I am here for you. 

I carefully take out the cork and pour some into Jasmine's mother's glass first. She holds it in her hand and immediately take a sip as if testing out the type of wine Jasmine bought for the dinner. She didn't even thank me. 

"Cabernet Sauvignon." Jasmine's mum say's after clicking her tongue in her mouth. I glance at Jasmine briefly, seeing her eyebrow quirked up at her mum, before I pour some wine into her dad's glass. 

"Thank you." He says lowly, giving me a stern nod. I give a small smile back, actually appreciating his politeness. 

"No problem, Sir." I say before pouring some for Jasmine. She holds her glass and looks up at me, giving me a smile. 

"Thanks, babe." Jasmine says.

My eyes widen slightly, shocked she called me babe. The end of Jasmine's lip curves upwards at my reaction, and that is when I know it is purely for show. After all, I am her boyfriend for tonight. 

My reaction changes to an amused one, a laugh threatening to come out. But I hold it back, a smirk falling on my lips as I do so.

I quickly pour some wine into my glass before putting the bottle back down on the table and sitting down. The air is tense, and it makes me uncomfortable. I look at Ella and see her yawn, thankfully covering her mouth. I look at Jasmine and see her giving the evil eye to her mother. 

"Is there something with the wine?" Jasmine asks. Her mother's chin is still stuck up high in the air, her lips pursed. Her mum swirls the wine around in her glass, sniffing the aroma. 

"No." She replies simply, which makes Jasmine roll her eyes. 

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving." I say, clapping my hands and rubbing them together. "Let's eat?" I ask, a fake but bright smile on my face.

"Yes, hungry." Ella says excitedly and smiles widely.

I take the knife and fork from the table, and start cutting the turkey into nice slices. Once when I successfully do my job, I use the fork to put some onto Ella's plate. Jasmine starts digging in also, putting food onto her plate as her dad joins in. But Jasmine soon stops and lets out a small sigh before looking at her mum who hasn't moved. 

"Is there something wrong?" Jasmine asks. 

"Look at you guys, digging in like pigs." She scoffs, glaring at her husband who is putting more turkey on his plate. "You should have cut the turkey before we came. And you should have already put them on the plate for us so we don't do it ourselves." My eyebrows furrow at her words. I look at Jasmine and gulp as I see she is really pissed off.

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