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HELLOO MY BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL READERS! I am so sorry for not updating in forever, it's super stressful at school right now and I had no time to write. 

I realized I made a mistake in chapter 12, when Jazzy's mum asked her about her ex, Dean. Dean is Ian, I just forgot that the ex had a name haha oops. So yeah, I fixed that and just clearing this up in case you were confused. So sorry about that. 

I hope this chapter makes up for not updating in forever! I made sure to add some hasmine moments ;) ;) ;) 



"Here give me that." Jasmine says with a smirk, taking the plastic bag from my hands. 

"Thanks." I smile at her finding it a lot easier to unlock the door to my flat. 

"No problem, it was actually painful watching your struggle like that."

I open the door for the both of us, placing the keys into the bowl on the table besides the door. We slip off our boots, and I take Jasmine's coat from her hands, hanging it up for her. I glace at Jasmine as I hang my coat up, watching her place the plastic bag onto the breakfast bar and washing her hands at the sink. 

I turn around to walk further into my flat and my eyes bulge wide open when I see the mess that is my flat. 

"Oh fuck." I quickly run to the sofa, grabbing Ella's stuffed toys and shoving it in my arms, filling it as much as I can. "I'm so sorry about the mess, Jasmine." 

"It's okay." She smiles at me, waving her arm in dismissal. 

"I wasn't expecting anyone." I excuse myself.

"It's okay, Harry. Plus, if it makes you feel any better, my place is even messier."

I give her a quick smile but continue grabbing the toys, putting then in Ella's basket before piling up all the plates and cups on the coffee table and counter, carefully placing them into the sink. I look back into the living room, sighing how it still isn't the best it could look. 

"It's okay, Harry. Honestly. Now hurry up before our food gets cold." Jasmine says, getting up from her seat to find utensils to eat our food with. I continue looking at the purple haired girl, finding myself smiling. Jasmine looks back at me and makes a weird face when she sees me looking at her. "What?" She asks, sitting back down, taking out the styrofoam containers.

"Oh, sorry - nothing." I shake my head, walking to the sink to wash my hands. 

"Say it." Jasmine whines. "Was there something on my face?- Oh is it that pimple that's on my forehead?" She groans. I turn the tap off and laugh, a real genuine laugh. 

"No," I look at her, a goofy smile playing on my lips. I look at her forehead and notice the small bump that is covered in makeup. "I didn't even notice that to be honest." 

"Then what was it?" I sit besides her and open the container, inhaling the delicious smell of chicken souvlaki. 

"I just missed talking to you." I admit, finding my cheeks heat up. I look down at my food, scooping some rice with the spoon and shoving it into my mouth. 

"Awwww, is Harry blushing?" Jasmine teases, pinching my cheeks. 

"Shut up." I swat her hands away making her laugh. 

"Oh my." I hear Jasmine moan. I look at her and see her shaking her head with satisfaction. "This is some fucking good Greek food." I chuckle. 

"I knew you would love it." I beam. She shoves more food in her mouth, pieces of rice falling onto her lap. I laugh. "Attractive." Jasmine stops chewing and glares at me. 

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