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"This pillow fort is honest fucking amazing, Harry. How on Earth did you make this?" Jasmine asks while looking around the little fort that I somehow managed to make. It's small, but not too small. It's big enough to fit both of us laying down along with room for my laptop, snacks and a large box of pizza.

"I really have no idea how I made this." I chuckle. "Let me tell you, it included a lot of swearing and a lot of frustration. But it was all worth it in the end." I smile at her. "Let me just say that Ella loves this fort and she was really upset when we had to leave to drop her off at Gemma's place."

"Aww, Ella." Jasmine laughs. "I have a feeling that this fort will stay up for many, many days then."

"I have the same feeling." I agree with a chuckle. Jasmine finishes eating the last bit of her pizza, and rests her head against my shoulder.

"You know, you're a really great dad, Harry."

"Thanks." I smile down at her.

"I really mean it, Harry

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"I really mean it, Harry. You're a really great dad. I can't even believe how hard it must have been for you. But you're doing a fantastic job, and I just want you to know that. From the way you love her and care for her, Ella will grow up to be an amazing person— not that she isn't amazing now, because she is." Jasmine stutters making me let out a soft chuckle.

"Thank you, Minnie." I breathe out as I look down at her. "Really, it means a lot to hear that because most of the time I have no fucking clue what I am doing." Jasmine laughs at my words.

"If you didn't have Ella, at what age would you have a kid?"

"Hmm," I ponder, looking up as I think. "Maybe when I'm twenty-six or something." I shrug.

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, I know. I'm a good eight years ahead. At least I'm a very cool dad." I jokingly flip my hair with my hand.

"A very cool dad? Hmm, I'm not too sure about that." Jasmine teases.

I scoff. "Of course I am."

"If ya say soooo." She sing songs.

"I do say sooooo." I sing back and stick my tongue at Jasmine. She scrunches up her face and jokingly flips me off making me laugh.

"Do you ever want kids?" I ask, bringing the conversation back to our previous topic.

"I do, but I can't really imagine me as a mum. Like I don't think I would do a great job, to be honest."

"Ummm, yeah you would." I point out the obvious.

"Why do you say that?" I look at her like she has lost her mind.

"You're so good with Ella!" I practically scream. "Like you get on her with so well."

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