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"Your turn now." Jasmine says looking at me with a smile. I smile back at her, my mind still whirling at the thought of her living with Ella and I.

"Which one should I open first?" I ask looking at Ella with a knowing smile.

"Oh that one, dada! That one! The one with the red wrapping!" She points to the box besides me.

I smile as I grab the box, imagining Ella with mum and Gemma as they buy this gift. I peel the paper aside, already having an idea of what the present can be. And sure enough when I open the box I am greeted with a teddy bear just like Jasmine's, but mine is darker and bigger with 'dada' written in the heart.

"Now we all have bears and they are one big family." Ella smiles making my heart throb.

"Aww, I love it, Ella. Thank you so much." I smile, opening my arms. She runs inside them, hugging me tight and kissing my cheek.

"No problem, dada." I kiss her forehead. She sits back down on the floor while I grab my bear, turning to Jasmine to place mine besides hers. "Wait! I need to get mine!" Ella says before getting up and running to her room.

"I honestly love this bear so much. And I love it even more knowing that you both have one too." Jasmine says, smiling as she looks at our bears sitting besides each other.

"I know. We are one big family both with our bears and in real life." I beam at her, putting my hand on top of hers. Ella comes running back, a tiny white teddy bear in her hands. I hear Jasmine awe as Ella places it in between the other two bears.

"There we go, now the family is complete." Ella smiles proudly and sits cross-legged. I look at my daughter, just thinking of how lucky I am to have her in my life. "C'mon dada, there's still two presents left that you have to open."

"Okay, okay." I chuckle, quickly kissing Jasmine on the back of her hand and sending her a wink before grabbing the next present. "Hmm, I wonder who this one is from." I send a look at Jasmine making her bite her lips. I know she is nervous, and I find it completely adorable, even though I know I will love all her presents no matter what it is.

After ripping the wrapping paper aside, I open the box and see that there are two objects inside that are covered in more wrapping paper. I smile as I look at Jasmine, asking her which one I should open first, the small object or the big one.

"The bigger one." Jasmine replies, her fingers nervously playing with her lips.

I place the box on the floor, grabbing the bigger object and holding it in front of me as I guess what it is.

"A book?" I wonder, eyeing Jasmine to see her reaction. She just shrugs, a smile on her lips.

I peel a bit of paper, indeed noticing that it is a book but not sure what kind of book it is. I furrow my eyebrows as I try to figure out what it is, ripping more wrapping paper out of the way. When all the paper is on the floor I flip over the book since it was upside down and see it's a baking recipe book.

"Because I know you love to bake." She explains clearly nervous. I awe, finding it really adorable when she's nervous. I grab her hand that's near her mouth and squeeze it gently.

"I love it." I honestly tell her, making her smile with relief. "I can't wait to bake some stuff from the book later with you and Ella." I look at Ella making her nod with excitement. "Thank you, love." I smile and kiss her cheek before grabbing the second object from the box, noticing how squishy it is.

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