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I don't know what I expected. Jasmine to come running down the hall apologizing to me, begging me for forgiveness? But this is Jasmine we are talking about. A girl who doesn't like to admit she's wrong.

She didn't come apologizing to me. 

Three days have passed since that day. Jasmine hasn't called or texted me and I haven't tried contacting her too.

"Dada, is this okay?" Ella asks, walking out of her room, coming towards me, excited for her classmate's birthday party.

I sit up from the sofa, smiling at my little girl who is wearing tights (that I helped her put on), a pink skirt with ruffles and a white shirt with a pink butterfly on it. She decided to do her hair herself, putting them in two pigtails on the side of her head. I look at her chin and see the scab from where she hit it against the counter a couple of days ago. 

"You look beautiful, darling." I say, opening my arms so she can hug me. She climbs on the sofa and rests her head on my chest with her arm on my stomach. 

"Thanks, dada." She says. 

"Are we ready to go now? Where's Bri's presents?" I ask Ella, turning off the TV. 

"Oh," She says and jumps down the sofa, walking to her present besides the TV. She holds it in her hands, smiling at me. "Let's go, dada. I don't want to be late." She grabs my hand, tugging me to get off the sofa. 

"Okay, okay." I chuckle, getting up and putting on my jacket and boots. Ella does the same and I wait for her with a smile, opening the door for her when she is done. 

We walk hand in hand, going to my car, Ella skipping and making our hands swing back and forth. I smile at my daughter, so happy that she wasn't gravely hurt last weekend. I hope another accident like that doesn't happen again or else I think I might get a heart attack from being so scared. 

The drive to her friend's house, Ella wouldn't stop talking and talking. Talking about Bri and her other friends, listing all the things they are going to do at the party. I smile, nodding along to what she is saying, feeling really happy as she continues to blab. She can blab all day when she wants to and I don't mind one bit. 

We soon arrive and I park in front of the house. Ella is already out of the door, running to the house, too excited to meet her friends. I catch up to her, standing by her side as the door opens and I see who I believe to be Bri's mother. 

"Hello." She greets us. 

"Ella!" A little girl with blonde hair says, standing besides her mother. 

"Bye, daddy." Ella says, raising her hands to give me a hug. I kneel down, giving Ella a tight hug. 

"You have fun, Ella. You're going to be a good girl, right?" She nods her head. "Good, now give me a kiss." I say, puckering my lips. She giggles, leaning forward and pecking my lips. 

"Bye, dada." She repeats before entering the house. 

"Bye, princess." I say, waving to her. The two girls hug each other, immediately running further into the house. 

"You're a great dad." Bri's mum says with a smile. "I'm Claire." She introduces herself, her hand out for a handshake. 

"Thank you, Claire." I smile, shaking her hand. "I'm Harry." She smiles. "What time should I pick her up?" 

"Five o'clock the girls should be done." Claire smiles. 

"Perfect. Thank you." I say. 

"No problem, Harry." I give her a wave and turn around, almost falling on top of a familiar looking girl. 

"I'm so sorry, Abigail." I say. Her eyes widen with recognition before a smile is on her face. 

"It's okay, Mr. Styles." She says.

I look up and see the person who has been ignoring me the past few days. My anger rises seeing her, still upset with what she let happen. I immediately look away, walking past her and down the front steps of the house to my car. I look at the car parked in front of mine and see that black Mini Cooper that I have seen many times before. 

I want to get inside my car and drive away, but I can't find myself doing it. Instead I lean against the car repeatedly throwing my keys in the air and catching it with one hand. 

"You're going to drop it." I hear a voice say suddenly making me startled and dropping the keys. I hear her laugh, guessing correctly. I look up at her, my eyebrows dipped and my mouth in a thin line. 

"Why did you do it?" I ask Jasmine, saying the question that has been on my mind for three days now. I see her looking down, crossing her arms in front of her chest to try to look more intimidating. 

"I-" She coughs. "I'm sorry." She says, looking up at her with her brown eyes. I would have smirked and teased for her actually saying those two words that I never heard her say before, but instead my facial expression stays the same.

"You know how I am about alcohol." I say, referring to the time when she brought me to the club. Jasmine sighs again. My eyes meet with hers once more and I can see the hesitation in her eyes. "Is everything okay with Ian?" I ask, taking a step to her. 

"Mhmm, of course." She says, looking down. I quirk an eyebrow at her but dismiss the topic for now. "I-I just didn't know what to do. Me and Ian were getting along great and I didn't want to upset him by telling him what to do. That's why he was in the balcony, I made him go there since he wouldn't want to leave my flat. Ella is your daughter and you put me in charge of her and I'm really sorry." She says, looking up at me. I let out a deep breath, my anger dissipating into the chilly air. 

"It's okay." I say, taking another deep breath. "Do you want to hang out and catch up?" I ask after a few moments of silence, making her look at me with a smile on her face. 

"I would like that." She says. 

"Where should we go?"

"Hmm... Well I am pretty hungry." She says with a shrug, making me chuckle. 

"Any particular kind of food you are craving?" I ask, a smirk on my face. 

Jasmine puts a hand on her chin, looking at the sky as she thinks deeply. "Greek." She decides after a few moments. 

"I think I know the perfect place." I say, unlocking my car. "Follow me there." I tell her before hopping in. I see her smile as she hops into her car also. 

Knowing Jasmine and I are on good terms again makes me smile. When I saw her smile for the first time after almost a week, it made me realize how much I missed it. I forgive Jasmine for having her drinking boyfriend and Ella in the same flat. I don't like that douche and I don't think I will ever like him, I just don't get a good vibe from him. I know something fishy is happening between the two and I am just hoping that Jasmine won't get hurt again, because I know that when she does gets hurt, I will hurt five times more. 


This is the last one today. I really hope you are liking the story :))

Woahhhh omg 1K votes and 12K reads. I love you so much, thank you so much for reading! You guys are the best! <3

~ May <3

Amethyst || Harry StylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang