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i'm so sorry for the lack of updates, i had family issues, i was so busy with school and then i was on a school trip to europe so i had zero time to update! sorrryyy, i love you and i hope this chapter makes up for not updating in forever 

i miss zayn :'(

i love you guys, i know its very painful and hard (i was in denial for 2 days and when it hit me i cried for so many hours) so if you ever need to talk i am here

love you guys, stay strong! somehow, it will be okay.



"I'm going to be six years old!" Ella screams, running another lap around the living room. Fluffy's head is flopping in Ella's arms with each step that she takes. The sight makes me want to smile but it makes me more worried, scared she will fall and hurt herself. Jasmine just laughs besides me, watching Ella run around. 

"I want her to stop running, it's making me anxious." I state with a whisper. I look at Jasmine and see her playfully rolling her eyes at me. 

"It's okay, Harry. Chilax, let her be excited." Jasmine says, rubbing my arm. 

"But I don't want her splitting her chin opening again. Or what if she trips on the table and breaks her arm this time or something, Jaz?"

"Harry, shh." Jasmine says, giving me a serious look. I bite my lip and tap my foot against the floor, watching Ella starting to skip now. "For heaven's sake, Harry."

I feel a hand rest quickly, but softly, on my cheek, my head instantly turning towards Jasmine to see what she is doing. When I look at her, I instantly see her face leaning into mine, her lips pressing against my own in a hard peck on the lips. When she pulls away, my face is left stunned and shocked, while hers holds a smug expression.

"I needed you to shut up." Jasmine says. "Plus, your lips looked really irresistable and I just had to kiss them." Her words make me blush, a closed smile forming on my lips as she continues looking at me with a glint in her eye. My smile falters just the slightest as I remember that we have not confirmed whatever relationship we have. I want her to be my girlfriend, but I don't know if she wants us to be together that way.

Jasmine notices my change in behaviour and looks at me with her eyebrows slightly furrowed. She opens her mouth about to speak, but someone else's voice inturrupts us. 

"Ewww." Ella says, grabbing both of our attentions. "You got boy cooties, Jazzy." I open my mouth with an amused shock expression on my face, mocking hurt while Jasmine laughs. 

"But I'm your dada." I tell Ella, making her giggle. "I kissed you many times." She scrunches up her face, her face full of disgust. 

"That's different, we are family." She says, climbing up on the sofa and starts wiping Jasmine's mouth with her tiny hand. Jasmine laughs, the sight of them getting along together making a feeling stir inside of me. 

"You're right, Ellabear. Dada has boy cooties." Jasmine playfully scrunches up her face. Ella nods and looks at me to give me a shake of her head, which makes me laugh.

"I'm sorry." I playfully hold my hands up in surrender. 

"You better be, dada." Ella says as she hops off of Jasmine's lap. She walks back to the coffee table, grabs Fluffy and starts walking to her room. I look at her questioningly, a confused, but amused expression on my face.

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