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Seeing my little girl happy makes me happy. Seeing her smiling with her friends, laughing along with them and dancing to Frozen songs makes a spark ignite inside of me. It gives me life. It just makes me feel so content, so joyful, so happy. 

"This Frozen themed party seems to be a hit." Jasmine tell me, giving me a nudge with her arm. I look at her with my mouth curved up in a smile, holding my hand out for her to high five. She gives me a high five, my fingers wrapping around her small hand so I can hold them. 

"With your help." I say, kissing her hand. 

"It was no problem." She says, kissing my cheek.

We look back at the kids who are eating their lunch that consists of small finger sandwiches, fruits and blue raspberry flavoured kool-aid (that we call melted icicles). Let it Go starts to play and all the kids start singing their hearts out in their white and blue dresses and blue tiaras on their heads. I take out my camera, snapping pictures of Ella and her friends. 

I look at the back of the room and see mum, Robin, Gemma and James sitting in a separate table observing the kids and eating food. Mum has her camera out, a bright smile on her face as she snaps pictures of everyone. I know for sure she is going to be making a scrapbook of Ella's sixth birthday party. James starts crawling on the floor to the girls in the table besides, Gemma following him to make sure he's safe. 

When the song ends, the kids seems to be done with their food so Jaz and I get all the kids to the front of the room to start playing the games I previously set up. 

"We are going to play 'Pin the Nose on Olaf'." I announce making all the kids cheer with excitement. I smile at myself for this genius idea of a game. "So we are all going to go in a line and one by one we will blindfold you and spin you around. Then you have to try to pin the carrot where Olaf's nose is. The only rule is: no cheating because cheaters are bad and you are all good girls, right?" They all nod and try forming a line, but they end up forming a huge blob around Ella. 

"Okay, birthday girl first." Jasmine laughs lightly. She helps the kids form a line behind Ella, her gentleness with them making my heart swell. She gives me a thumbs up when they are all ready, so I get my green headscarf from my back pocket and wrap it around Ella's head. 

"I can't see, dada." Ella says. 

"That's the point, Princess Els." I laugh, shaking my head at her goofiness.

After I spin her around two times, Ella takes a careful step forward and Jasmine helps guide her in the right direction towards Olaf. When Ella reaches Olaf, she raises her hand with the carrot and sticks it on him. Ella takes off the blindfold and steps to the side so everyone can see. A huge roar of laughter forms when we see the carrot is as Olaf's willy. I look at Jasmine with my mouth hung wide open, shocked that these kids know what that is. Ella doesn't laugh though, she stomps her foot in frustration and almost throws my headscarf on the ground. 

"Ella, it's okay." I say, walking to her. I kneel down in front of her, using my hand to comb her slightly messy hair. 

"I lost." She says. "They are all laughing at me."

"No they are not." I say. I am pretty sure the kids are laughing at where the carrot was placed, rather than her being far off the target, but I don't want to explain that to her. She's innocent and I want to keep it that way. "Plus, there is still another game we are going to play, and I know you will win that one." I say, trying to cheer her up. 

"Like what game?" She asks. 

"Freeze Dance." I whisper to her. Ella nods and giggles, making me relieved she isn't upset anymore. "It's going to be a surprise though, so don't tell your friends." She nods again with a smile on her face. I kiss her cheek and stand up to my full height. 

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