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this is the fifth update today omfg



"W-what?" I stutter out. "You're back with Ian?" I ask again. She nods her head and looks at me, her mood going downhill. 

"Yeah. Something wrong with that?" She narrows her eyes at me. 

"Jasmine, are you sure he genuinely cares about you? I mean like he's a dick, you said before." 

"That was before, it's in the past. He's different now." She says, trying to hold back her anger, but I can see it in her eyes, she is getting pissed. 

"That's what they all say." I mutter under my breath. "Ella, princess, why don't you go to the living room and choose the movie you want us to watch." I say, helping her to the floor. She nods with a smile, oblivious about the shit that is about to go down between Jasmine and I. She scurries off to the living room. I let out a sigh before turning back to jasmine. 

"What is so wrong?" She asks me, seeming calmer. 

"It just seems fishy to me, Jasmine. You broke up with him and you seemed pretty pissed with how he treated you. You're my friend and I don't like my friends getting hurt." I say, looking into her brown eyes. Jasmine sighs and turns around, putting mine and Jasmine's dishes into the sink. 

"I'm happy right now." She says, turning around to face me. "Just let me be happy." The desperation in her voice along with the pain in her eyes makes me nod my head. I don't think this Ian dude is a good fit for her, but there's nothing I can do about it. 

"If he makes you happy, then okay." I say, feeling some pain saying those words. 


"After all the work and effort the brother and sister have put into finding their dog, Max was found and was returned to the brother and sister, the three of them living happily ever after." I say, closing the book and placing it on my lap. 

I look at the kids, all of their eyes wide open, hanging onto every word that came out of my mouth as I recounted the children's book. One girl even wiped a tear that rolled down her face. I was about to ask if she was okay, but a bright smile forms on her face, her hands clapping together. The rest of the kids catch on and start clapping too, making a smile form on my face. They are so adorable. 

"Beautiful story, wasn't it?" I ask them, their heads nodding in agreement. "This story has an important message. This story tells us that even though we are sad about something that has happened to us, to keep fighting and not letting that thing keep us down. Happiness is everywhere, we just need to find it." They probably don't really understand the whole depth to what I just said, but they smile, some still clapping. 

The bell rings and all of the kids stand up, running to their cubbies to grab their bags and jackets. I smile, walking to the classroom door and open it, greeting the parents who are there to pick up their kids. 

"Bye, Zoe." I smile at the girl as she waves with a giggle, walking with her mum out of the school. 

I sit back down in my chair, a sigh coming out of my lips. I was actually kind of hoping that Jasmine would pick up her cousin, Abigail. Now when I am thinking about it, how are they related if Lauren doesn't have any kids? 

Ever since that day at my flat when I was sick, things have been different between us. We would text a bit more, just a bit, not too much, and she would actually smile a lot more too. I like seeing her happy, it is a nice change than the usual gloomy Jasmine. Her smile is actually really nice also.

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