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throwback to fetus harry 



"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go" I sing, holding up the wooden spoon to my mouth. I look at my giggling little girl besides me on the counter, who is singing along as best as she could. "There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well,"

"The shrubby kind that doesn't mind the snow" Ella sings making me laugh. She always can't manage to say sturdy. No matter how hard she tries, she ends up saying shrubby, which I find so adorable.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." We continue singing together. I go back to mixing the vegetables and chicken that is cooking in a pan as the music continues to play from my phone.

"Can you please pass me the pepper, chef Ella?" I ask my little girl, looking at her with a smile.

"Of course, dada!" She yells, looking at the set of ingredients besides her. She picks up the ground pepper and hands it to me.

"Thank you, baby."

"Stop saying that, dada! I'm not a baby." She crosses her arms at me. As an instinct, I smile, but I quickly try to wipe it off of my face since that will just upset her more. I stand in front of her and hold onto her arms so she can look at me.

"I know, Ella. But you're always going to be my baby no matter how old you are. Even when you are eighteen, you will still be my baby." I lightly tell her. Just thinking of her being eighteen years old makes me so emotional. "Hey, don't be upset at me. C'mon let's dance."

I pick Ella up unexpectedly making her squeal and erupt into fits of giggles. I rest her on my hip as I dance to the living room, singing along to the music playing.

"What a bright time, it's the right time, to rock the night away, jingle bell time is a swell time, to go gliding in a one-horse sleigh."

"Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet," Ella joins along, moving her body side to side as I sway along to the music, moving around the room.

"Jingle around the clock, mix and a-mingle in the jingling beat, that's the jingle bell rock." I can't help but think of Mean Girls as I sing along to the song.

"You're not still mad at me are you?" I ask Ella when the song finishes. She shakes her head and kisses my cheek. "Good," I smile at her, kissing her back on her cheek.

I hear a knock on the door, making Ella squeal with excitement since she knows who it is. I walk to the door with her still on my hip. And as soon as I open the door and she sees Jazzy, she reaches out for her. I pass her to Jasmine and she holds Ella on her hip.

"Wow it's so festive in here." She smiles as she steps into my flat. I smile at Jasmine in response and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. Ella follows right after me and kisses Jasmine in the same spot. "Wow, I feel so loved." Jasmine smiles as she kisses Ella back on the cheek. I pout in response as I wait for my kiss. Jaz laughs lightly and gives me a kiss on the lips which makes Ella cover her eyes.

"Ew cooties." Me and Jaz laughs.

"Hi, my favourite man and six year old." Jasmine says to us.

"Hey, Jazzy." Me and Ella say in unison.

"Come, on group hug." I say, wrapping my arms around my favourite girls.

After the hug, we all go into the kitchen to finish cooking our dinner. Jasmine helps set up the table while I finish cooking the chicken and vegetables.

During dinner we take turns talking about what we each did today. Ella went first and said how in class they were singing christmas songs. She also said how they are in the process of making something with clay, which she is very excited for. But she didn't say exactly what she is making since she is making something for both me and Jasmine for our Christmas presents.

Jasmine was next and went on about how annoying writing her essay was. She kept procrastinating by watching Netflix but she knew that if she kept leaving the essay off, she wouldn't be able to stay long tonight so she can finish it. So she managed to just get it done and now she's here, which I am happy about.

When it was my turn, I told them what I did in my class. I first started the day by reading a story to my kids, since they love story time. Then we decorated the class Christmas tree. All the kids helped putting ornaments up and candy canes. It was a small mini tree just to make the room more festive. Then the rest of the day they made Christmas cards for their family, which was really sweet and nice.

After dinner finished, we settled in the living room drinking hot chocolate as Home Alone plays on TV. This movie is probably the most violent kid movie out there but my Christmas is ever complete without watching both the first and second Home Alone.

Jasmine is sitting on one end of the couch, Ella right besides her, and I am sitting on the other side of Ella. We have a blanket on top of us to keep us warm and cozy, and the lights are all off except the Christmas tree lights, which makes the atmosphere even more festive.

"Harry." Jasmine whispers, making me look away from the TV. When I look at Jasmine, she nudges her head downwards towards Ella, and sure enough she is fast asleep. I take a second to awe at my sleepy girl who just looks so peaceful.

"I'll tuck her into bed." I tell Jasmine. I carefully pick Ella up, Ella automatically taking a deep breath and snuggles against my chest. I walk into her room and gently put her into bed, tucking her up with her duvet before kissing her forehead. "Good night, baby." I whisper, smiling at my little girl.

"Did she wake up?" Jasmine asks when I walk back into the living room. I smile and shake my head.

"She was so exhausted. She was fast asleep."

"Aww." Jasmine says, wrapping her arms around me as soon as I snuggle under the blanket besides her. I rest my head against her shoulder, also feeling really exhausted.

"So what do you want for Christmas?" I ask Jasmine. She smiles.

"I don't know." She says, shrugging her shoulders.

"You have to know." I insist.

"I really don't know. Honestly, this is already good enough for me." She says making my heart melt with both affection and sadness. "My family never really celebrated Christmas. I would ask my dad a lot for us to get a tree so he got us one. But we never really did anything special. Normally they would just go out with friends leaving me and Lauren home by ourselves. And so our friends would invite us to their Christmas celebration which was really nice of them, but it still wasn't the same."

"I'm sorry." I honestly say, my heart aching for her. It just makes me feel so privileged to have the family that I have where everyone is so affectionate towards each other. I lean my head against Jasmine's shoulder.

"Don't be sorry. It's the past and this is now. I feel like this Christmas is definitely going to be the best one yet." She smiles at me.

"I think so too." I agree, smiling back at Jasmine.

I lean in making my mouth connect with hers. When we pull away, we cuddle against each other watching the rest of the movie. And as soon as it finishes, we immediately go to bed, the both of us just too tired to stay awake any further.

"Good night, Minnie." I whisper to my girlfriend, giving her lips a soft kiss.

"Good night, Harold." She replies back. Even though I can't see her, I can just image her smiling. I smile at the nickname she gave me and instantly fall asleep while being cuddled up against Jasmine.


i was listening to christmas music the whole time i wrote this. i hope you are liking my more frequent updates :) i love you guys so much, i hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

stay lovely xxx.

~ May <3

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