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-Four years later-

I look at our daughter playing football on her school's field. It's the semi-finals today and her team needs to win this game in order to go to the finals game next week. The score right now is tied, both teams with two goals. And there's only five minutes left of the game. Ella position is a centre forward. I'm not just saying this because she's my daughter, but she's one of the best players on the team. And I want to also say that she got these amazing football skills from me, but I'm crap at this sport.

I sit up straighter on the bench when I see her teammate kick Ella the ball. The ball is sent out a bit too far away from Ella, and one member from the other team is also running towards it.

"C'mon, c'mon," I whisper to myself as I see Ella running as fast as she could. She kicks the ball past the other player and starts dribbling it. I stand up when I see no one is around her and she's going straight to the net. "Yes, Ella!" I scream.

"You got this Ella!" Jasmine also shouts encouragingly beside me.

Her face is scrunched up with concentration as she continues dribbling it down the field. One of the defenders on the other team come running up towards her and she looks around to see if one of her teammates are open. And right before the defender comes too close to her, she kicks the ball diagonally to number eight. Her teammate continues dribbling the ball and I stand up with anticipation.

She passes it back to Ella right in front of the net. Ella's foot swings back, getting ready for the kick. She swings it forward, kicking the ball as hard as she could towards the left side of the net. The goalie tries to run towards the ball but she doesn't make it in time. The ball goes in and Ella jumps up and down with excitement.

My face completely lights up, my eyes wide open and my mouth agape. I throw a fist in the air and start cheering as loud as I can along with the other parents supporting their child.

"Yes, Ella!" I scream. Ella looks in our direction and gives us a thumbs up.

"Woo hoo!" Jasmine yells out, also really excited. I turn towards her any give her a big hug, careful not to hurt the baby in her stomach. "I think they're going to win," she says as we sit back down on the bench. "Right, Mason?" I look at our three-and-a-half-year-old son who's eating crackers on the bench beside Jasmine. He looks up and nods his head.

"Yes, Ella's team will win," he smiles widely. "Mummy, can I sit on your lap?" He asks Jaz.

"Sure, but there's not much room because of the baby," Jasmine explains. She's 9 months pregnant and she's due for next week. And even though her body aches, she didn't want to stay home and miss Ella's big football game.

Mason tries to sit on Jasmine's lap. He leans back but gets annoyed since he isn't in a comfortable position. He groans and climbs off of her, instead sitting on my lap. Jasmine laughs lightly and I couldn't help a laugh from coming out of my mouth as well.

"Comfy now, Mason?" I ask him since he is comfortably leaning against my torso. He nods and continues eating the crackers in his hands. "How are both of you doing?" I ask Jasmine, my hand resting on her stomach lightly.

"We're doing good," she smiles and puts her hand on top of mine.

"She's not giving you a hard time, is she?" I ask. Jasmine shakes her head.

"My back and boobs are a bit sore right now but she's actually not giving me a hard time. She will soon, though, I could feel it."

We continue watching the game. It's intense because many times the other team almost got another goal in. But the game finishes and we cheer with victory.

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