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"Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on lets go and play, I never see you anymore, Come out the door, It's like you've gone away-"

A smile forms on my lips as I watch Ella singing along to Frozen. We have probably watched this film ten times now, but Ella is still so engaged with the movie like she was the first time we watched it. 

"Dada, sing." Ella says, looking at me with her wide, blue eyes. I smile at my little girl, pressing a kiss onto her forehead. 

"We used to be best buddies, And now we're not, I wish you would tell me why!- Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman." I sing along making Ella smile. I would do anything for that smile. 

I continue singing with Ella, using my arms for the best top notch performance I could muster. It makes Ella giggle and smile, which makes me happy. I am actually having a lot of fun to be honest.

I hear a knock at the door and give a kiss on Ella's head before walking to the door. I look through the peep hole and my eyebrows furrow with confusion when I see who it is. I unlock the door and open it, crossing my arms over my chest to try to look more intimidating.

"What are you doing?" She asks, noticing my crossed arms.

"I should be asking you that." I say. Jasmine squeezes past me into my flat. I scoff at her manners and close the door. 

"Jazzy!" Ella says and runs over to her, hugging her legs. Jasmine kneels down and gives Ella a proper hug. 

"Hi, Ella. What are you doing?" 

"I'm watching Frozen!" She says with excitement. "Watch with me." Ella says, tugging on Jasmine's hand.

"We will join you after," I tell Ella. "Me and Jasmine are going have adult talk right now." Ella nods with understanding and sits back down on the sofa with Fluffy besides her. I walk to the kitchen and Jasmine follows behind. "Do you want something the drink?" I offer, being the polite person I am.

"No thanks." She says. My eyes widen with surprise.

"Wow, did Jasmine actually say 'no thanks'? Never thought I would see the day." I tease with a smirk. 

"Fucking shut up." She hits me arm, quite hard might I add. 

"No swearing." I point a finger at her before rubbing my arm where she hit me. She rolls her eyes. "Now why are you here?" 

"I-my." She pauses clearly fumbling on her words. I furrow my brows again. I have never seen her fumble like this before. "My parents are coming to my flat tonight. I don't want them to but they are and when they see that I am by myself without a guy they are going to fucking laugh in my face."

"I'm sorry about your parents." I say, still confused as to why she came to me.

"I need you to be my boyfriend for tonight." If I was drinking something right now, I would have done an amazing spit take. "Just for tonight, it's all an act."


"Ugh, I already said why. They think that I am not a capable woman. They think I am a fucking fail when I am not."

"No, I mean why me? Don't you have other guy friends?"

"My parents don't like any of my friends. They hated my ex. But you, they will like you. They will see how mature you are with Ella and they will love you, meaning that they will finally approve me." It's sad how some parents think so low of their child. It's so sad because family should always be there for you, but Jasmine's isn't for her. 

"Okay, sure." I say, agreeing because this isn't fair for Jasmine. I feel bad for the girl and now I know why she is the way she is right now. "Ella is coming too?" 

"Yeah, she has to come. My parents won't scream their lungs out if they know a child is in the house." 

"What time?" Jasmine takes her phone out and starts typing on the keyboard. 

"My flat, six o'clock sharp. Please don't be late because that would ruin this plan." She locks her phone and puts it in her pocket. "I texted you my address." 

"Thanks." I say.

She gives a small smile and walks out of the room, to go to Ella. I wait on the side, watching them interact. Ella pouts since Jasmine is leaving, but gives Jasmine a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Jasmine gives her a kiss back before she walks over to me. I stop her from opening the door.

"No 'thank you'?" I ask with a smirk. Jasmine rolls her eyes and tries to open the door, but fail since I lean against the wood. "It's just two words. Come on, Jasmine." I smirk some more. Jasmine glares at me before giving me a fake smile. 

"Oh, thank you, Harry. You are so kind to come along into my messed up life and save me from my fucked up parents." I shake my head at her, disapproving of her talking like that about her parents when Ella is in the room behind us. But a chuckle comes out of my lips from her sarcasm as I step aside. 

"Much better. I'll see you tonight. Bye, Jasmine." I smile at her with amusement. 

"Bye." She says and walks away, out of sight.


I just spent how many hours updating 7 chapters for 4 of my fanfics... I seriously need a life haha

Hope you liked the double update :) 

~ May <3

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