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"Thank you for babysitting Ella tonight, Gems." 

"Anything for my baby brother." Gemma says, ruffling my hair. I swat her hand away, smoothing my hair hair out with my hands while Gemma chuckles. "You still haven't told me why I'm babysitting her- not that it's a problem." She says. 

"I- uh." Do I want to tell her the truth? It's been almost six years since I've been seeing someone so this is all new to me again. 

"Does Harry have a date?" Gemma asks, a smirk on her lips as she teases me. "Of course you are, look at you dressing all smart."

"Gemma." I groan, just wanting to leave already. 

"C'mon Harry, it's fine if you are. Who's the girl?" She sing songs, looking at me with wide, excited eyes. "Do I know her?"

"Erm- yeah." I say, scratching the back of my neck. 

"Oh, my god! Harry, I'm happy for you! I think this is great! It's been forever since you've last been going out with someone."

"I know." I say regarding the last sentence Gemma said. 

"Who is it, though. Come one. Tell meeee." I groan, with irritation. I'm happy Gemma is happy for me, but this is too much. "Just tell me and I will let you be." She smiles, knowing exactly what she is doing. 

"Fine. But don't tell mum about it, if you do." I give a warning glare. "Just don't please. I will deal with her later." 

"Of course, H." She says seriously, putting her hand on my arm. 

"It's Jasmine." I say. Gemma's eyes widen, clearly surprised. 

"Whoa, Lauren's sister?" I nod my head. "Wow, I did not see that coming. You guys are total opposites- wait, I think I can see it. Yeah." She nods her head, staring at me as she tries to picture me with Jasmine. "Yup, very hot couple." 

"What?" I say, feeling uncomfortable. "You know what, nevermind. I'm gonna go." I say, pointing to my car that is parked in front of her house. 

"Okay, have fun, Harry! Just be safe because I don't think you would like another child at the moment."

"Gemma!" I say, absolutely horrified. 

"What? The last time you probably had sex was when you made Ella, or maybe a few weeks after that." 

"Gemma!" I say again, really wanting her to stop. 

"Just the truth." She says holding her hands up. 

"Just be quiet, please." I beg, starting to walk away. 

"One last thing." Gemma shouts when I am halfway to my car. I turn around and look at her, afraid with what she will say next. "I think you guys being together is better for your both. I think you guys balance each other out." She smiles.

"Thanks." I blush. "Thank you again for taking care of Ella. Also, thank you for picking her up from school a few days ago." 

"Anytime, little bro. Did you go to see Jasmine that day?" A blush forms on my cheeks and I turn around, feeling weird to reply. I hear Gemma laughing though, already knowing the answer. 


"Knock knock." I say in unison with my knuckles tapping against her door. 

I gulp with nerves as I wait for Jasmine to open her door. My hands feel clammy, wiping them for the fifth time against my jeans. I just want this date- or whatever you call it- to go well. Jasmine has something planned but I have no clue what it could be and that makes me nervous.

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