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"Sunday, Harry. Don't forget." 

"I won't, Gemma. Don't worry."

"Okay, tell Ella I say hi. Love you little bro." 

"I will. Love you too, Gems." 

Placing my phone besides my leg, I let out a long sigh, wiping my tired face with my hands. 

Having a family who cares about you is amazing. It's something that everyone should have in their life. But my family, they care way too much and it honestly stresses me out. I know their intentions are only good ones, but their persistent ways drains my energy twice as fast than it should. 


"Yes, Ella?" 

"Are you okay, dada?" I look at the five year old, giving her a soft smile. I pat the seat next to me and she gladly jumps up, sitting besides me on the bed with her head resting against my arm. 

"Yeah, dada's just tired." I use my free hand to run my fingers through her soft, brown, wavy locks. 

"Then sleep, dada. It's Friday, no school tomorrow." She let's out a yawn. I smile at her response. 

"Yeah, you're right, princess. Dada will sleep. We both will." She nods with a giggle. "Where do you want to sleep tonight?" 


I stand up, picking Ella up and resting her on my hip while I pull away the duvet to lay her down. I quickly turn off the lights, settling besides my daughter and pulling the cover over us. Ella snuggles into my side, stuffing her face in my hair. 

"Do you want to do anything tomorrow?" 

"Umm...I want to see Auntie Gem and Nana." 

"You will see them on Sunday."

"Really?" She looks up at me with her wide, excited eyes. I nod with a small smile.

"Really. So what do you want to do tomorrow then?" 

"I donno, I'm tired, dada." 

"Okay, princess." Her eyes flutter close, her face snuggling into my shoulder. "Good night." I kiss her forehead. "Sweet dreams."

"Night night. Sweet dreams." She mumbles back. 

"I love you, Els." 

"I love you too, dada." 

After a few minutes, I could hear her cute deep breaths, and feel her chest rising and falling against my arm. I turn my head to look at my little girl, running my hand through her hair. 

Sometimes when I look at her, I think of how this happened. I think of how lucky I am to have her as my well-behaved daughter. Sometimes I wonder how I even did it myself, being 19 when she was born without her mothers help. 

The thought lingers in my mind, reminiscing on the past five years. It was difficult, extremely difficult, to raise a baby and go to school at the same time. And that's why I love my family so much, I couldn't have done it without my mum and Robin, taking care of Ella while I go to school during the day and helping me in general with this whole baby thing at such a young age. 

Ella may have came by accident, but it's a beautiful accident. Ella is my world. 

A yawn escapes my lips, and when it does, that's when I realize just how exhausted I really am. I slowly drift off, my eyes feeling extremely heavy. 


"Dada, dada, dada." Ella continues shaking my arm, trying to make me wake up. 

"Yes, Els?" 

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