[Genshin] Diluc x Reader (imagines)

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several ideas here, couldnt make a one shot.... but heres this?
•You and Diluc are 100% introverted.

•Yall have gone through many battles against abyss mages, and at the end of the night it was always you two, together, fighting them.

•Yall despise the knights of favonius, believing that they are dumb and incompetent.

•while he ran a thriving winery buisness, you ran a famous restaurant, so all in all, you both have busy lives.

•with both having busy lives, it renders you and him so exhausted at the end of the day.

•when you two spend time together, its always when they are alone or out in the wilderness where no one can see them.

•yalls favorite thing to do is cuddle, and this was something that always warmed Diluc's heart, as you hated being touched by anything, you were very Halphaphobic— yet when it came him you always craved his touch like a drug.. it was both a massive turn on, and extremely heart warming, as you only wanted to touch and be touched by him and ONLY him.

•now when you were cuddling together, most of the time it would be Diluc loving all over you

•when you two cuddled, a good portion of the times he would rest near your neck.. and every now and then you'd feel his hot breath against your skin.

•During nights when you slept together, was when you did most of the cuddling... in your sleep... at night, he would listen to your light snore, and feel his entire body feel even more warm whenever you would nuzzle against him— in a way that seemed that you wanted him to cuddle you even more.

•You two don't like making your relationship public, however, when some arrogant person gets in the way to steal the other, only then would they intervene and make their relationship more known.

•when yall had sex, it was usually late at night when abyss mage activity was low.

•most of the time, you were always a bottom, once you felt pleasure, you lose all sense of rationality, and beg to be ruthlessly fucked to the point where walking becomes a challenge in the morning. this was a major turn on for Diluc as he loved seeing you in complete and utter pleasure, a certain feeling that couldnt have gotten obtained without him.

• when you were dominant, you always had a smirk on your face, a smirk that showed both love and the look of 'i know you so well i know what you're thinking' a look that always made Diluc feel weak to his knees, because you see him in his most vulnerable state.. but he did love the idea of letting someone else take the reins for a while.

•His eyes always were as crimson as his hair, but at the same time showed love, and care to certain levels that were deemed impossible to reach.

•when you were on your period you would lay in bed all day and all night crying your eyes out in complete and utter pain, it always scared Diluc, because one day you were happy and now you're in pain that neither of you could stop. If there were no supplies available for you, he didnt make you get up to get it yourself, HE always went to get you feminine products, and he did thorough enough research to find the right kinds, as well as  get you a large variety of sweets.

•You cried alot during the time of the month, especially when you bleed through your pad, and all over your clothes. But Diluc wasn't grosed out by it, and understood that this was something that most women went through- but none the less it always hurt him when he knew he couldnt take your pain away. Most of the time, all he could do was spoon you, taking a large hand and gently caressing your lower belly in hopes of stopping the pain.

•Sometimes Diluc would fall back into a depression, and you were always there to take him into your arms. You listened to his worries, his sorrows, and everything he felt sad about, in the end, you always made sure to remind him that you will always love him and by the next day after crying his eyes out into your chest, he would always wake up to find that you were awake, gently running fingers through his hair in a comforting way.

•When there was a time you two had to travel to places for long periods of time without eachother, both of you would be heartbroken and barely would sleep while the other is gone.

•one day while cuddling he randomly asked, "do you wanna go get married?"
you both go to get it done, but it wasnt in the way cliche love stories play it out, instead it was a classic, go get a registration form get it done and go but rings because it was something you two didnt really plan at all, and that was alright for yall, because at the end of the day its about you and him, and no one else.

•When you find out you're pregnant, at first you were scared and instantly you lay in bed feeling horrible about it. When Diluc comes home to find you in that state, he asks you and instantly you break down and tell him

•you had an irrational fear that Diluc would leave you after finding out about your pregnacy

•When he finds out you're pregnant, he would be smiling and super happy about it, he would kiss your tears away, he would kiss your stomah and ask you to stop doing abyss mages and minimize your work for the safety of both you and your child.

•You spent more time with him everywhere while you were pregnant, as you both stubbornly agreed it would be safer.

•When your belly became more round one day it happened, and it was when Diluc wasnt around, leaving you slightly scared but at the end of the day, it was alright, you had given birth to a girl, one you mused that Diluc would love in his own stubborn way.

•when Diluc found out he was beyond scared and instantly dropped everything to get to you, and when he sees his baby girl he smiled. he felt so lucky to have a beautiful wife and daughter in this world that loved him and only him.

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