[Harry Potter] Draco x depressed! reader - Lost Cause

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recently found out theres a new game being released next year so i dove head first back into the hp fandom. and boy am i addicted to it once again


anyway enjoy

you were a quiet person, everyone has known that since day one.

you never spoke unless absolutely necessary.

draco hates people like you because quiet kids are the weak - thats what he saw it as anyway.

so over the years youve been bullied by him, insulted for every little thing you do, always doing everything in his power to hurt you.

he thought that people like you were people with no feeling, people who sought no reason to feel or either care about what they were feeling.

he was so wrong.

so... so... wrong.

the bullying killed you on the inside, from being reminded that your family hates you to the small amounts of fat on your stomach.

as you grew up, you became insecure of your body.

you were tired all the time.

not only that but always ashamed for who and what you are.

you were tired of being treated like shit. you were tired of letting everyone treat you like a fucking door mat.

you grew resentful, and angry

you were angriest when it was Draco, the leader of the bullying party of idiots who insulted you.

you were a pureblood just like draco, clearly blood doesnt mean shit to him afterall, he just wants a personal punching bag.

it angered you, but eventually you grew so tired to the point where the anger you once had is now disappointment.

you had liked him for a time but you suppressed the feelings, as draco isnt worth those feelings.

the bullying they caused you drove you mad, until eventually, you began to be hostile all the time. you hexed people, gave some powerful curses. you began to invent spells as you went, breaking all laws of magic. illegal animagus. you name it
you even crafted deadly potions, so deadly that it could destroy more than one person's life. but nobody knew you were doing that, they all just assumed you were studying somewhere alone with no friends to talk to, because thats what y/n does

oh how wrong they all are.

overtime the bullying had exhausted you, so much so that you just didnt feel angry anymore

one day you just simply snapped, after that you never felt any emotion ever again.

it was exhausting for you. so you were grateful that you lost all feelings of emotion.

eventually, you grew tired of feeling nothing all the time, so you tried to feel something again, and yet no luck, until of course you cut yourself in the middle of class. it relieved you much, and thats when you began to destroy your body for the feeling. overtime, you quickly got addicted to cutting yourself. it was something that reminded you that pain exists yet later on the cutting began to feel numb too. the nothingness made you go completely crazy.

the scars littered on your wrists were markings of a desperate girl wanting to feel emotion, yet if the world saw those marks, you're suddenly the next big freak of the town.

despite all of the horrible things you've dealt with, you were a superb slytherin witch.

scarily intelligent, and you knew things that are beyond your years. perhaps thats what makes you so dangerous.

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