[OHSHC] Tamaki x Shy! Male! Reader

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a/n: there isnt a whole lot of xmale readers in really any fandom.
*angrily types* i shall write x male readers ÒwÓ


As a host club member, you were almost the most requested because of your shy personality.

You are extremely soft spoken, and very intuitive.

Your voice is smooth, and soothes every woman who has requested you.

The day you joined, everyone was shocked on how well you had handled it despite your shy persona.

You were a (h/c) boy with shiny (e/c) eyes. Your eyes shined often, its because you're out doing club activities, only those are times where your eyes shine brightest you get to spend time with friends you never thought you had. Everyone admired you, Tamaki admiring you the most.

Your smile was so fucking perfect. To all of host club, your smile was one thing they loved about you, but who it had affected the most was Tamaki. All the women looked for an intimate man like you, someone so intimate yet have such a gorgeous smile that could melt anyones cold heart. It was never something new. Everyone knew you had good looks, silky soft hair, beautiful eyes, and the brightest fucking smile anyone could ever see
however, for Tamaki it was different. He thought you were the prettiest damn thing ever known to existance. You were a boy who was just so fucking beautiful to him, so beautiful that Tamaki had fallen for you.

You were so beautiful, inside and out. You have a heart made of diamonds, always doing whats best for people.

You helped commoners out, you were smart and funny. You are everyone's dream guy, for both men and women. You top it off with your sweet and gentle persona, often referred as a 'shy guy' type according to many of the girls. Everyone doesnt dare doubt your beauty, and embraces it and savors it just like how Tamaki is, but To Tamaki, he does more than just admire, he questions it, he is so curious,
his question was always, How could someone so beautiful exist on this planet? He admired you as if you were a god and often it scared you, yet you always felt grateful.

all of the questions that popped up into his mind, he never got an answer nor did he expect one. His violet eyes would simply admire while he worked on his clients.

Tamaki was always a bit overdramatic, immature and... weird.

He would flair up and blush when he was close to your presense, but always felt whole when he made you laugh with his stupid self.

What Tamaki didn't know was your dark side is the side of a rock that mustn't be turned over. 

He enjoyed being a fool when its to see that warm, carmel
like laughter. What are you even? You're like an angel, yet you don't have wings.

"ahah- erm.. Tamaki, you're daydreaming again..." You laugh softly trying to get his attention.

Tamaki like the speed of light backs away with red blushing cheeks.

"Dont go being cute an adorable, I, King, order you!!" Tamaki yells with a reddened face.

Kyoya smirks in the background while listening.

You smile and giggle a little, the light brown hair bounced with your laughter.

Suddenly everything in the damn room is a blushing mess, seeing you be so adorable with that little laugh made everyone fawn and fangirl over you.

Tamaki's red face then cleared as your usual shyness rose back up because of your insecurities.

Lately, you've been reflecting on what everyone thinks of you since you haven't really thought about it before. You sighed, sleepily rubbing your eyes, letting yourself relax just a tiny bit more. You hated how much energy it took to think about life, and reflecting on everything. You smiled when you saw Tamaki stand on Kyoya's head screaming that there's a cockroach on the floor. 

You dismissed them, mainly because you didn't care about some cockroach, however you did get a good giggle seeing how the club is full of complete incompetent morons. 

Laying down on the comfy couch after hosting, you rested your eyes for a bit since you were undeniably exhausted from smiling all the time, sleepy from using all your energy just to do things. For you, being sweet, kind, and super nice was all a façade. It's utterly exhausting to do such unmaterialistic things but, the host club likes the money they get and you kinda enjoy toying around with people so whatever. You need your naps and personal space to recharge from all of the crazy shit that goes on in the club, and as long as you have that you'll be alright. You deeply exhale, and found that your mind was suddenly clearing, and that your body is relaxing a tad bit more, and steadily increasing to a longing sleep. 

"boss stop being creepy! staring at y/n sleep!" the twins yelled, honey senpai laughed while eating cake while watching the twins pull tamaki away from you. realizing that you were awake you opened your eyes exhaustedly and got up. 

you snapped at the twins in anger, "I don't care if he watches me sleep, don't fucking yell when I'm sleeping" you were fuming, mainly because you hate being awoken from your nap. the brightly cute aura was now replaced with dark and sinister shadows, it screamed evil.

The twins eyes bulged and hid away. 

and then you plopped back onto the couch.

"ugh, and when I was finally comfortable you stupid morons had to ruin it." you sighed angrily before putting a pillow on the couch on your head.

"oh mah god you're so adorable even when you're angry" Tamaki screamed like a little girl and began to roll around on the ground fanning over you. You stood angrily, and kicked him so hard that he flew away. So long story short, Tamaki and the twins learned not to mess with the little shy y/n when he gets his beauty rest or else goodbye balls. :D

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