[Hetalia] Prussia x Canada - I don't belong here.

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im not good with accents and stuff, dont be rude or anything but i accept corrections and stuff so feel free to correct me in the comments if i get something wrong thanks.

'I don't belong here.' Matthew, the personfication of Canada, stopped at the thought. It was a thought that often clouded his mind, especially right now, made the boy question why he is even walking to the conference room. Unfortunately, he couldn't find an answer, yet he finds himself never turning away from the very place he goes to for a job as a country. He reminds himself that someone could see him and that he cares about him. Gilbert, the older brother of Ludwig, personification of Germany was the guy who always noticed Matthew. Theyve been close friends for a long time or at least when Gilbert decided to go to the meetings with Ludwig. Them being close friends, so close that it seemed like it always was something more, it always reminded Matthew that he is indeed cared about, and loved by someone rather than no one— today was different, as he forgot all about Gilbert, he forgot why he was even going to the conference. He forgot that he is indeed visible. He forgot all of the things that kept him going. He eventully walks inside the room and sees all the countries arguing, as usual. The world meeting was running, and there was no seat for Matthew, so he grabbed a chair from another room and put it at the world conference room and sat down. He proceeded to organize papers neatly and have a heart filled with hope that maybe he wouldn't be forgotten about today. He never thought his life would come down to this, unfortunately he's grown realize that it has. No matter what he did, how hard he worked, or how hard he tried, he was always forgotten. For the amount of years he's been a country, he had hope that maybe he would make the world a better place, yet he's in this world meeting not even noticed by anyone. You'd think you would see a shy blond haired guy holding a little polar bear, but somehow the other countries didn't and what hope Matthew had left was destroyed when Russia sat on him.

The minute he got sat on, he thought, 'I don't belong here.'

Matthew is a shy and soft spoken country. He never often thought of himself to be so invisinle to others, not until today, the day Russia sat on him. He felt so hopeless all over again, and felt the feeling often until he would try and continue the cycle of hoping for something that'll never happen.

'I dont belong here'

At this point, Matthew didn't care if nobody acknowledged him, he didnt even care about being noticed, all he ever wanted was to be cared about, or at least have a place in someone's heart. Matthew lost so much hope, all from the realization that being cared about was too wishful. Everyday was the same. It angered him, he felt so bitter and so riled, he wanted to tear the whole word apart just so that they could feel what he experienced when they ignore him like that.

'I dont belong here.'

Wouldn't it teach them? Yes it would, for Matthew, he is watching his own country die from global problems, he asks for help and is ignored, not even seen as a being that was living and breathing. It was like his mere existence was a concept that was never meant to take on any form, however his reality checks say otherwise.

'I don't belong here.'

"Russia! you dompkoff, stop sitting on my Birdie!!" Gilbert yelled at the smiling Russian.

"whatever do you mean? this seat is empty." Russia said softly with a confused yet innocent expression.

'I dont belong here.'

He stood up, Matthew huffed, finally catching his breath.

Matthew got up quickly before Russia decided to sit on him again, as he worries next time he wont get up until the meeting is over.

"Sorry Birdie, are jou alright?"

".. yeah... thanks Gil." Matthew mutters sadly.

"Jou don't seem like it."

"I am... just tired today Gil.." Matthew says softly looking down.

'I dont belong here.'

The arguing around the room got louder, and Matthew found that his heart pounded quickly, and his breath hitched.

"Ugh zis meeting sucks, lets get ze fuck out of here." Gilbert suggests.

Matthew nods quietly, following him out.

Matthew wanted to listen to all of the things Gilbert rambled on about, but he couldnt bring himself to, as he was already so lost in thought.

When they arrived to Matthew's house, Gilbert immediately went into the kitchen.

'I don't belong here.'

Matthew follows silently, feeling empty and alone despite being with the only person in the world that sees him.

He forgot how to be happy, especially during times like this, times where he can and should be happy.

Right now, he cant even bring himself to do anything work wise, so instead of working, he went to his room and stripped from his clothes and put on some pajama pants. He walks out and into the kitchen, and saw Gilbert already had changed to comfortable clothes, but was looking at the counter- and then it hit Matthew. He forgot his medicine this morning.

"you wanted pancakes..?"

"Birdie, what are zhe pills for?" Gilbert's voice was laced with concern

"They make sure I am healthy.. i forgot to take them this morning.." Matthew replies.

"Vell, dont forget next time!! The awesome prussia will be worried!!"

Matthew smiled, but it was forced. He was too tired to smile today, too tired to function.

"Tell me vhats vrong"

'I don't belong here.'

"i... — I am so tired of feeling sad and alone all the time... I feel so tired and exhausted..."

"vell, I am here.. for jou, liebe. alvays."

walking into the living room together, prussia sat down.

"im gonna watch an awesome show, Birdie will relax with awesome prussia!!" Gilbert announced.

'I dont belong here.'

the thought hurt.

Matthew thought to himself as to why Gilbert does that despite him being the only audience of his.



with Matthew next to him, he picked a random show and watched quietly.

Within a few minutes, Matthew's head fell onto Gilbert, and then his body found itself embracing the other's body. Matthew snuggled up against Gilbert's warm body.

Gilbert was aware of how horrible the day was, both for
him and Matthew. He mumbled so many of the same thoughts today that it had almost made Gilbert cry.
Gilbert frowned at the sad boy's state, knowing full and well of what he was thinking all day, as he once thought it too. He kisses the Canadian on the head and mutters,

"oh but jou do belong... ich liebe dich."

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