[Shield Hero] Depressed! Naofumi x demihuman! reader - Cancelled Out

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Being cancelled was the new culture in this cruel world that he never learned the name of. It was such a common thing, always cancelling anyone out, believing anything bad someone said because they wanted some kind of drama or conspiracy. Naofumi, the shield hero knew some who were like this. Women, he's grown to hate them unless its Raphtalia, Filo, or You.

Bitchy princess was enough to leave him permanantly traumatized, leaving him more than just an emotional wreck, but always on the edge of losing his mind.

Bitchy princess was one of the people who started this mess, and the king aided her too as he was a man who loathed the shield hero, angry at someone who has done nothing to him. Aways angry at the shield hero, blaming everything on Naofumi when it was a different shield hero back then that had messed up his life.

Bitchy princess, otherwise known as Malty, betrayed him, accused him of sexual assault, and started a destructive conspiracy against him making the whole fucking country hate him when they had no idea if it was even true. It broke him.

One thing in Naofumi's old world had was women who used their vulnerablity, and lied about rape and ruined people's careers. So how come he never seen it coming? Women in Naofumi's old world was infested with women as such, but he never experienced pain like that until he got dragged into a world where almost everyone hated him. He never expected to be a victim labeled as a criminal nor did he expect to be hated by everyone just because someone made a false accusation against him.

They don't even know if its true! He never sexually assaulted her, infact she stole his money and lied to everyone. It made him want to cry everytime when he watches the whole world turn against him, not only taking a bit of his sanity with it, but a piece of himself. He wanted to cry everytime, it hurt his heart knowing that a whole entire country hated him. he just simply asked for a little bit of respect and maybe a friend or two, but instead got stolen from and framed for rape, it really shows that this world is just as cruel as his old world, only now he's the unlucky man who gets treated like shit for things he never did.

It changed him, so much he had forgotten who he once was back then.

He knew he used to be this geek who loved to read manga and seemed like a happy person, until Malty and Trash King decided that the only thing that matters is that the shield hero gets destroyed. Ever since that he's forgotten how to feel, to feel like that former person that he once was, that easily happy nerd who enjoyed his life who never worried about an entire fucking country hating him. He never even asked to be the shield hero, and yet they shit on him like he's scum the day he appears. He should've seen it coming when he got ignored by everyone. He should've seen it coming when Malty was always looking his way, always trying to get him to respond in some kind of sexual way. He was a nerd then, he believed that she was into him and took the bait, his stupid self gets robbed and exiled afterwards.

He was such a stupid and foolish guy.

In the end he was betrayed.

The other heros betrayed him too.

Betrayal was the most painful thing he experienced out of all of it despite being so used to it.

Betrayal is what had caused everyone to hate him. If only his teammates had taken his side, If Malty hadnt taken advantage of him, maybe if trash king had different views on him, perhaps he wouldnt be laying in his bed wondering why he continues to live with this suffering.

Betrayal is a scar that never seemed to disappear for Naofumi. He feared the pain it brought, and it constantly ate at him every night.

One thing that broke him even more was how cancelling everyone was. They simply believed everything that they were told and cancelled him out and ignored him when he tried to tell them it wasnt true.

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