[DBH]Connor x Stressed!Reader

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You laid in bed, too tired to even function. Too tired to get up and go to work, Your mind felt blank, but at the same time filled with so many thoughts that it had hurt to the point you started to cry. Or at least you tried to cry, not one tear was shed, even though you wanted to let it out so badly, yet you didn't know how. You knew if you didn't show up for work, you'll surely get fired, so with a huff you slowly pull yourself out of bed and onto your feet. You seemingly found no reason to take care of yourself today because of how tired you were. You just wanted to sleep for a few years so that you felt better. From being tired all the time, at this point you hoped you'd sleep forever in dreamland where you are never tired. But would it be weird if you were also tired in your dreams? No, because you wanted your sleep to be dreamless and at peace, completely away from the world. You somehow managed to get everything on, and due to your exhaustion you decided to not brush your hair since it's long and would take unnecessary time out of how much you already have.
You put on a somewhat warm coat and walk outside finding that it snowed a lot more than you had expected last night. Luckily it wasn't too bad. You spent more time inside your mind instead of the real world, maybe that's what made you so very good at the job. Although, your job was solving crimes that androids and people commit.

Speaking of androids, one of them was in the office accompanying lieutenant hank, you couldn't see deviants as bad people, so it surprised you when Connor states he will never be a deviant. You support deviants, the only issue about that was your job. You show up for work, finding that Gavin is hitting on you again. You ignore him though, due to how annoying and pushy he is. You sat down and began to type in your login into your computer. The rest of that morning was peace and quiet regarding the little small talk hank gave you as you constructed models and comparisons of DNA.
Since you've worked with Hank for 4 years now, you've grown close to both him and Connor.

Being a 23 year old will surprise many, since it takes a long time to get in the department.

Your (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes were usually very bright outside your shell.

So everyone just assumed you were just really pretty, so most of the time everyone hit on you, or attempted to flirt with you.

But you turned them down.
You are just too sad to have a relationship in your life.
Unfortunately, you found yourself loving Connor for who he was. Despite him not being a deviant, you loved him from afar, and giving him small complements and little rewards. Hank had spoken to you about it, and asked if you liked him. You were never a liar, and you never realized you had liked him at the time so you said no, but you think if he were a deviant, he would be a perfect Android. And to you, you silently wished someday he would change. Because if he did, to you he would be: beyond perfect in your eyes.

You knew that if Connor learned to truly feel, he would be very important to this world.

Unfortunately, you felt like you aren't, and in some cases it was so near to being true that it hurt.

The day went by as a quiet one, for once there didn't need any people leaving to investigate and the crimes have grown low.

When it was time to leave, you log out of your computer and then grab you coat on your chair. You put it on and then sigh rubbing your face with your hands in hopes to get rid of this tiredness that had caused you to shake.

Connor looked at you for a moment, and somehow you haven't noticed, he walked over. "Are you alright Lieutenant (Y/N)?"

You smile even though a headache was coming on, "Of course, I guess it's time to go. Farewell."

You left and for some reason, one your way home you found yourself crying. You didn't know why, but it felt great that you were. All of this heaviness was dragging you down. And it hurt.

When you were home, you still cried, and it's like you couldn't stop even if you tried. That was put to the test when Connor knocked on your door.

"Lieutenant (Y/N) can you do me a favor and deal with Connor for a few days? I got to go deal with some things at home." It was hank, so you got up and opened the door.
"Hi, (Y/N)." Connor asks in a cheerful tone. You seen hank leave, and you sighed before letting Connor in and shutting your door.

"Do whatever you want, just don't destroy the place." You mutter grumpily before going back to your bedroom and back into your covers to cry again.

Connor had came in and heard your agony and went over to ask, "what is wrong Lieutenant (Y/N)?"

You ignored and continued to cry before you alarm to your phone went off telling you to go take antidepressants. Connor had asked and asked what is wrong but you ignored him.

Then out of nowhere, Connor got your attention with a force of emotion that nearly made you fall over.

He grabbed your arm to support you, and then he pulled you to him like he cared or something.

He felt something for once,
The minute he saw you crying, something inside him finally snapped, was it emotion?
Indeed it was, it was this weird feeling and he liked it for some reason. Now he's getting more of it when he was closer to you.
He didn't like seeing you sad, he wanted to make you happy.
He pulls you close into his chest and starts stroking your hair as you let all your feelings out.
And as you cry, Connor carries you to your bed, and he puts you under your covers. By the time that happens you started to relax and he decides he should leave, but something inside him felt sad for leaving and he didn't wanna leave at all.
Then it struck him,
He was a deviant, and that he loved you.

He didn't know if he should turn himself in or make you happy, but his love for you had seemed to take up the vast majority of it. He then pulls himself off and starts to let you rest until you snatched him back and you asked, "come lay down with me please."

Connor smiles before laying next to you, you then came over and snuggled against his body. He loved this, he loved you. And when you were warm and cozy, Connor says, "I love you, (y/n)"

"I love you too..."
You mumble, before sleeping with a smile on your face, feeling whole and glad Connor was here.

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