[OHSHC] Kyoya x reader - Yellow Skin

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(this is an angst with no happy ending)

(suicide+cancer warning dont read unless you can handle this type of content)

you were beautiful, you were everything in a woman a man would look for in terms of looks.

many guys at ouran academy drooled from just sparing one glance at you.

you put other pretty girls to shame without intending to.

when the host club got to know you;

the twins thought double marrage would be cool

tamaki believed you were so pretty that you should have been his instead.

kyoya believed you should have been his or else his team would put your family to bankruptcy.

honey wanted to eat sweets with you all day.

mori wanted to protect you with honey.

haruhi wanted to be your friend, someone who no matter what always has your back.

so you joined the host club, and the club changed completely.

the sole purpose of the club was to make evey woman happy.

your very attendence of the club made it into the want to make everyone happy.

that was some of the things they all loved about you.

you werent a specifc categorizable personality that could be easily organized into a niche, you were a little bit of everything.

you were soft and caring when needed to be, you were romantic, you were extremly intelligent, you were cool, clever and devious. you were so many things, and that was what everyone loved about you.

some believed that you were an angel ment to repair what has been broken in this cruel world.

but instead it has done more damage than good.

it all started with a small, mild lack of appetite.

you just couldnt seem to want to eat the regular sized meals anymore.

sometimes you would wonder if you were just being weird and just ignore the fact that you no longer felt hungry.

as much as you knew you werent hungry, you said little about it, and ate anyway.

after a week of forcing yourself to eat proper meals a day you slowly became tired.

it wasnt lack of sleep tired, but a 'im physically tired' feeling that makes you want to give up.

after the first 3 days of that week, you had grown so exhausted that you simply couldnt get out of bed anymore.

when you forced yourself to get up and use the rest room, your urine was dark, your weight began to rapidly decrease and pain was always eating away at you in your abdomen.

you assumed it was a sickness and so you relaxed and went back to sleep.

it was about 3 am when you woke up with the urge to throw up and the pain in your belly became so excruciating that you couldnt move once you got out of bed and instead vomited on the floor.

you called your butler and decided you should get yourself checked.

and so your butler took you to the hospital.

entering you went to one of the doctors and got some check ups on what could be going on with you.

then the reality hit you when you got the results.

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