[Saiki K] Kusuo x reader - Little Living Nightmares

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you have bad reoccuring nightmares, but theyve become out of control, and some have become real.

you're a psychic, not as powerful as Kusuo, but was to be considered a threat to the world.

You had the ability to manipulate all of reality with the snap of your finger if you wanted to. The universe's limits didn't stop you from doing what you want, because your power defies the universe itself.

While this power is great, it comes with great cost. The world is in your hands, and its always on the verge of being destroyed. One wrong move could kill literally an entire universe and create an entirely different realm. This is a stress that you can handle, but when you go to sleep, the nightmares have a will of their own.

You may have the power to control all of reality, but in your dreams, you're vulnerable and powerless even when you lucid dream.

All of the dark things you thought about always haunt you in those dreams.

Being laughed at, being abandoned by someone close, getting heartbroken, getting possessed by a demon and hurting everyone, causing global suffering by causing some sort of tragedy, the list goes on.

You never showed your emotions despite wishing that you could.

Everytime you woke up, you would cry silently with empty thoughts along with an empty hurting heart.

Your boyfriend, Kusuo, could not sense these feelings, all he knows are your thoughts and the things you can create as he knows that you can control all of reality. You and him could practically destroy the entire universe with a single thought and this terrifies you. You almost never sleep well due to this fact that you know these nightmares could become real. In truth, you felt so weak and sad all the time, and the nightmares are just the cherry on top.
You kinda wished Kusuo was up during this time, you couldn't seem to get warm and you trembled and cried silently. You wouldnt mind him to come over and comfort you from these awful things but its simply unfair to him.

The nightmares leave you cold and alone once more to drown in the feelings they brought.

Your crying ended up causing a bad thunderstorm to hit, but there was no wind.

are you doing ok?

you felt bad for waking Saiki.

You instantly stopped crying, realizing that you have to or else there will be flooding. You swallowed back tears and ran your fingers through your hair and lightly held yourself in a fetus position.

just a nightmare, sorry.
you replied.

you silently got up and imagined a cute little bunny and made it appear so that you can sleep. but even that didnt work, it barely even comforted you as your own control of reality terrifies you. You could literally make pigs fly if you wanted to, but how would that save you from the nightmares? it wont.
clearly its affected you since rain randomly hit around here.

your eyes then see a dark shadow in your room, her dark matted hair glimmered in the moonlight, her body looked mangled, and her face was disfigured and rotten.

she then acknowledged the fact that you can see her and she moved, as she moves
her body crackled and moved in twisted positions creating more and more terror inside your heart.

she then hoarsly spoke and growled in a demonic way and suddenly charged at you.

you imagined a shield without thinking, your heart pounded in your chest as you created a small ball shield around yourself, you silently shook and whimpered. you didnt look at the monster your mind subcontiously created,
all you could do was not look at it and hope this shield will protect you from whatever that horrible thing is.

"open up little y/n....~" the monster said in a rasp voice attempting to be alluring but all you could do was whimper and shake in fear.

you kept the shield up, but for some odd reason you grew tired of keeping it up and knowing that made you even more scared.

help me please shes here.

Kusuo teleported into the room instantly but his powers of making her disappear didnt work.

your bubble grew to include saiki but the more it took your energy, as the demon like creature scratched away at it yowling to kill you.

you trembled and began to cry while trying to keep your shield strong but it was weakening.

Kusuo suddenly embraced you, he held you and gently pushed your head to his chest.

The terror you felt eased but  your bubble that once shined has grown dull. and you felt truly exhausted.

"you can get rid of her y/n, you are afterall her creator." Kusuo said in a calm voice.

Too exhausted to keep the bubble up, it shatters and the demon that scratched away at it faded away.

Your energy had been drained from your body. And silently you cried and let the tears fall.
Kusuo pulled you closer to him and wiped away your tears.

His face had a blush
everything will be okay. i will be here.
you met his gaze and kissed his neck and slowly closed your eyes in exhaustion.
i love you.
he thought as he watched you sleep.

tonight made him realize many things, why you're tired all the time, why you are nervous about the idea of sleeping, and always aware of your suroundings.

with this knowledge, he can be there for you, comfort you and love you in other ways than one, tonight, he protects you from your little living nightmares.

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