[Hetalia] America x Reader - video games

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America = Alfred

Y/N = Your Name

F/VG = Favorite Video Game

H/C = hair color

ngl ive been in a hetalia mood lately.. ive missed it ;-;



y/n pov

For a British girl you didn't fit in, but it is afterall America. United States, rather.

you were often mocked and people imitated your british accent as a joke, so you often felt bad for having it.

you made a friend named Alfred, who was also personification of America. Alfred accepted you for who you are since he has a brother who is British he to a certain extent understands you. You two became friends, and even better friends when playing video games almost every single day. Now, however its been a while. Alfred had to catch up with world meetings, and you continued living your life as a struggling game developer. but none of that really mattered to you, all you wanted was to be happy in such cruel times like these, luckily you were for once in your life.

It had been a frigid winter evening when you decided to play some video games, it had occured to you that you havent bothered playing any video games with your friend Alfred and its been forever since you and him had hung out. It made your heart drop at the fact, and also the crave to play video games knawed at you.. It wasnt addiction to video games, but it was a craving to be around him, however you did not acknowledge that it could have been that, infact you were very oblivious for a girl who is normally expected to be attentive. You had thought you'd play some (F/VG) for a couple of minutes but since its an MMORPG that quickly turned a few minutes into 7 hours of grinding. Occuring to you that its 12 am already, your eyes seemed to imitate the old cartoons where the eyes extend from the skull in horror or in an unsettled way. You proceeded to log off thinking Alfred wasnt going to come online to discord until you heard a knock at the door, stopping you from turning off your computer. You walk over to your beaten down door and opened. its Alfred out in the cold shivering, yet his blue eyes were filled with such warmth from such a cold color. Your eyes widen, and yank him inside. "What in the gods name are you doing out in the cold?" You ask taking off his coat. "I wanted to sleepover at your house so we can play video games all night!!" Alfred cheered, pumping a fist into the air. You rubbed your eyes, they wanted to close up and shut out the world. You could only sigh before smiling back "you're supposed to ask dipshit and also why wouldn't you have just came earlier, now you might even get sick goddamnit you wanker. I'll get you a soda since I always have some for ya." you gave him a bright smile even in the dark. you toss him a coke, and you throw a blanket to his face. "now get warm so you can play video games with me!"

"I am alre-.. you've been playing F/VG all night already?" Alfred asked suddenly, cutting himself off.

"yeah, ive been playing for 7 hours waiting on your slow ass" you reply with a smirk


you laugh evilly, in such a tone it seemed innocent yet creepy at the same time. "290 DPS far better than your rubbish gear HAHAHHAHAHAHHA" He got out his expensive laptop from his bag and connected his mouse beside your desk and grinned. "280 DPS close enough"

"oh yeah you wanker? how about we see who kicks eachothers ass better ? its clearly gonna be me!" you challenged.

"you're on! but im gonna win because im the hero!"


you won the fight against him, a duel rather.

you will very powerful, beyond what Alfred could achieve now.

tears pooled down his face, he looked like a big crybaby in your eyes. and you looked at his face, and suddenly you found yourself more drawn to him. you wanted to be closer, closer to see his beautiful blue eyes up close, kissable lips- wait... what? why are you thinking that? you mentally screamed, not from terror but with frustration that you did not understand love like everyone else.


its about 2 am, and the night had gotten colder. you forced back a shiver, and let the goosebumps flood your body. you released your delicate hands from your beaten down keyboard and rubbed them against your arms, hugging yourself in a way to find the lost warmth.

your eyebrows furrowed in thought, you were frustrated, both from being cold and how undeniably exhausted you were.
it was then you felt your knee—Alfred's hand ever so slightly grazes your leg, in such a calming, and comforting way it made y/n relax.

"um.. y/n wanna watch a horror movie? all this grinding has me beat." Alfred says with a smile.

you nodded before yawning softly.

"alright you git, the movie do you want to watch?" you mumble pushing your (h/c) hair from your face.

he paused for a moment, before showing that same look as all of the times he wanted to get scared.

you look at your crazy shelf full of horror movies, you were unintruged until The Babadook perked your mind for which had been an older movie that you have not seen in a long time. you smile and put the disc in the xbox and walked to sit on the couch.

the movie had alfred screaming and crying. you felt bad to scare him. you wanted to cuddle him and tell
him that all of it isnt real and that everythings going to be okay. you couldnt do it because you were afraid. you were afraid of losing your only friend youve had after so many years.

you sighed, savoring the last few moments that night with him. you were going to confess at some point. Alfred jumped into your arms, breaking you from the long forever train of thought.

Careful to avoid the cowlick, you ran your hair through his hair, gently, and in a soothing way he relaxed.

he acted like a child sometimes, but its what makes him, him.

"its okay, everythings going to be okay." y/n mutters softly before kissing his cheek.

suddenly, y/n qnd Alfred's
face redden. and they quickly pull away from one another.

his blushing subsided, but your face reddened even more.

"im sorry i hadnt meant to do that to make you uncomfortable.."
you mumble tiredly, suddenly filled with sadness and exhaustion for the silent rejection.

"im not.. im just suprised because i wasnt expecting that from you.. but i will say it was about time i almost
couldnt resist...." Alfred's
voice faded out. his lips met yours and suddenly your body was filled with such love and life that you had questioned if it was even real. slowly and subcontiously, you wrapped your arms around his neck and slowly was being pushed back, but you didn't care because him kissing you made you realize how much you loved him this whole time. how oblivious you were. you felt whole and alive, far more alive than the life video games could create. You couldnt't have asked for more.

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