[Free!] Haru x Abused! Male! Reader

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you were (m/n). thats pretty much it when it came to anybody who knew you. if somebody were to ask, all they could say was your name. nobody knew you truly, but they do know you swam at the swim club, but more specific things like what hobbies? nope. middle name? nope. age? probably, it depends, most could guess age. to sum it up, nobody knew a damn thing about you.
you preferred it this way as your home life is not something pretty at all and you dont want to be taunted for having a life like that. it used to be alright a few years ago, but its changed.

back at your old school, life was tough as many found out that you were gay. it was simply something you had thought about for a long time and decided to come out of the closet.

(sry if u aint, not the most intelligent with sexualities...)

word quickly spread and it encouraged bullying and losing friends along with that.

school life was now hell for you, but life at home was alright as your father was there and supportive somewhat? you couldnt understand at the time, but you assumed that he would understand because hes supposed to be the number one person in the world that will love and support you.

when your father discovered, it started off as a drunken, harsh slap. he never abused you before, until he realizes what you said, wasnt a joke. he now had a reason to beat the fuck out of you, and all you could feel as he beat you was utter betrayal. you admitted to being gay, hoping he would support you so you didnt have to feel so alone anymore. but he instead smacked you, saying he was gonna beat the gay out of you. you felt the betrayal cut your heart to pieces, each time it moved, bobbed wire pryed at it.

ever since then, life was never the same, the bullying never stopped, the abuse continued on,
and then you and your father moved because he could no longer afford the home we lived in. in this school, you vowed to remain silent and not let a soul know a damn thin about you, so that way life can be bearable here so you could face how cruel and terrible homelife has become. luckily no bullying but instead it was just your father treating you like shit everyday after school, excuse always being, an attempt to beat the gay out of you. he gives you terror, you arent afraid to show that you are gay, you're afraid of getting hit over and over, getting insulted for simply liking the same sex. from there on out you vowed to keep every little thing about yourself a secret. your home life got split from your school life. the last thing you needed was someone to discover what your father did to you, and that he abuses you because you are gay. you dont want anyone to know because you deep down still love your father because he used to be a gentle and caring man, who's life got sabotaged by his son being gay, or at least thats what you thought at the time.

you dont think you could handle living if bullying started again, so you vowed to remain silent.
at school, you met the swim team, a group of people you found your heart warming up to- yet never trusted.
you knew you were only there simply because you were a very swift in the water.

you may be a great swimmer, swift and elegant as your friend Haruka, but in the end he was always better because he enjoyed it. all you wanted was an excuse to stay at school longer. that was the difference between the swim team and you, however you pledged to keep that a secret. if they knew you only stayed there because home life sucked, they would most definately investigate. you couldnt handle losing people that warmed your heart, as they were the only supportive thing so far. its been 6 months since youve been with the swim club, and today was a tad bit more rough than usual. it turns out, one of your bullies just transferred here, and boy were you terrified despite not looking like so.

most people in truth didnt know you, and from having a blank and emotionless expression most of the time, you were often called a kuudere.

today was hard, too hard because the bully saw you here and is now trying his hardest to shit on you, and tarnish your 'unknown boy' reputation that you tried to maintain.

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