[Hetalia] Sweden x Bullied! Male! Reader -crushed balls ow

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when im not writing im playing video games dont mind the references here
and there, srry :D

also reading this, contains mentions of crushing balls, so trigger warning? ik it makes my guy friends cringe so be warned.


the idea of taming a dragon or beast as your own pet fascinated you, you loved how video games appealed to your imagination, and made it all seemingly come to life. discovering games, it transformed you into a totally different person, someone who isnt afraid to express high amounts of imagination. today people consider an adult to have an imagination such as that, a mental illness.
its heartbreaking to you.

its like the world wants the imagination to die along with the person with it.

that didnt stop you from being lonely.

you often hung out with your friend Berwald to play video games together. it was a content, and calming thing you and him often did. they were so enjoyable and plesant, even a small smile appears on his face too.

you two would fight centaurs, witches, ogres, griffions, evil faries, pirates, and so much more. most mmos are a grind hard type of game, where they say its free but to obtain items is a lot of work. unfortunately, many countries and people are not like You and Berwald. All the other countries despise video games and anybody who play them, they are so blinded from "research" about them. These days everyone believes that gamers are the cause of all of the tragedies, even America, also someone who loves video games, now hates people like that. what a hypocrite

You were different, you aren't the type to hide it, you were proud to be who you are because you know what its like to be someone else. Even so, you are picked on for who you are. You try not to let people change who you are because they dont like it, but being bullied for everything you do hurts, and all you want is the pain to stop. when you are someone else, you often get exhausted quicker, and in the end you'll crumble and feel absolutely lost.

Berwald was the only country you knew that cared about you for who you are. Despite his lack of expression, his actions really tend to show his kindness, like how everytime you struggled in something, he would help you. when you went out to eat he always silently insisted on paying. when it came to video games, sometimes his emotions show, like a small smile on his normally expressionless features. when you are low he is there for you to cling onto because you're drowning in sadness and self loathing. Sometimes you question why hes so kind to you, every time he is around you with other countries, they frown at him, he shouldnt have to risk himself for you but he does. Whats sad is that the idea of being around you was frowned upon in the world, all because you liked one little thing no one else seemed to like, and that to you is heartbreaking.

You were very grateful to have someone like Berwald.

At world meetings, you are ignored, sometimes accused of things you never did. There were times where you got framed for things you didn't do, and in the end it was Berwald that always took your side despite being closer to the other scandanavian countries than with you.

You were grateful for him, because its nice to not feel that lonely void inside your heart, and having someone to fill that empty space with such happiness despite him never showing it often, was what kept you going. He always made you happy, and even when he never really says much he still somehow manages to put a smile on your face.

Everyone else, you utterly despised. You hated them, for the way they treat you, for the way they pick on you, always acting like you couldnt feel. When you try to reason with them, they ignore you, and when they do acknowledge you, you are either cut off by them mocking you, or saying you're a pathilogical liar from those godforsaken video games.

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