[OHSHC] Kyoya x Depressed! Male! Reader

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M/N was extremely unique when it came to hosting— instead of simply being romantic and intimate, he listens and tells people that no matter what everything will be alright.

All of the other hosts served a totally different purpose, yet the goal is the same: to make every woman happy.

Some women are not happy, and the other hosts couldnt seem to change it other than M/N.

Kyoya always found himself looking M/N's way often, not because he simply glanced to see how things were running, but for how much of a wonderful person M/N truly is.
Kyoya often forgets that he himself is also a host since all he ever does is simply stand by and keeps track of numbers and cash flow. He was able to watch all the other hosts and get to know all of them by their actions. M/N always remained the best when it came to helping anyone— even if it wasnt during hosting days.

M/N didnt give the typical romance a lot of women looked for, instead he listened to what the ladies have to say, sympathize, and comfort in a way that was even more effective than Tamaki. He's helped many boys and girls beyond his hosting.

Often when Kyoya listened to the conversations, they were often dark and yet M/N always kept it together, calm and collected.

Kyoya admired the host for his ability to hear awful things, and somehow remind them that the world isnt always cruel, and that the days will shine and warm up once again.

He himself was captivated by M/N's soothing voice, his words that always seemed to relax anyone and make them feel content with just being alive and well.

Whenever Kyoya listened to M/N he too felt like everything will be okay.
What nobody knew, including Kyoya, was that M/N was on the verge of successfully ending his own life. M/N made up his mind long ago but never could find a way to succeed, and has lost the courage to leave because of how precious the host club is to him.

Right now, M/N's noticed that the club doesn't really include him, infact they pretty much ignore him.

At home, lonelier than ever.

Last year he came out as gay to his parents during christmas, but they thought he was joking and left the next morning, leaving him alone once more. It didnt do well on his already broken mental state.

Today was simply a sad reminder of all of the bad things.

Even though M/N was incredably rich, had friends, and was in the host club with wonderful people, he was the saddest of them all.

He doesnt have a maid to talk to despite being stupid rich.

The guards never speak to him at home.

He doesnt have anyone to talk to in his empty mansion.

He felt so alone, so isolated everyday.

Even when he tells the girls that everything will be alright, he wonders if what he's saying is true.

He questions why he even cares about these girl's problems when he has problems of his own, but he somehow never stopped trying even though he wants to give up all the time.

He's tried talking about his feelings before, and was scolded for being selfish, He's been told that he's rich and have famous parents and scold him that he must be grateful for having a comfortable lifestyle.

They didnt realize that M/N was grateful for being rich and having the comfortable lifestyle that some are unable to have— but being rich comes with a cost of something, and it always comes with the old saying that money can't but happiness, and in M/N's case, it does not.

He isnt happy because he's in love with a boy who doesnt love him back, is lonely at home, lonely while talking to the ladies, seemingly lonely everywhere except the host club.


It wasn't long until Kyoya noticed M/N's grades began to slip. He thought it wasn't relevant to him until he wonders if M/N is okay.

M/N smiles around the ladies, but everywhere else his frown remains even if someone tells him a funny joke.

Kyoya noticed how M/N's eyes didnt glimmer like everyone else's. Instead of shining with happiness, they were dull and filled with emptiness.

Kyoya felt genuinely worried for M/N, and hoped the club noticed it about M/N too but he was sadly mistaken.

So he decided to take matters into his own hands and find out what's causing the awful look on his little M/N's face.

Kyoya was always the guy who kept his cool, but thinking of a way to approach and talk to M/N practically fried his brain. It scared him on how much M/N changes him.
He feels so nervous just being around him, and he certainly doesnt want M/N to see the him clumsy or stuttery because that just seems embarassing.

Before he could summon the courage, M/N was already headed home, and the next day M/N didnt even show up.

He didnt show up after that day either.

It angered Kyoya to see the host club hasnt noticed M/N gone, then his thoughts made him stop in his tracks. Realization struck him like lightning in a thunderstorm.

M/N's depressed.

How he didnt see that coming? He has no fucking clue. Its even on M/N's history. His background stated that he's been in hospitals for several suicide attempts. Why did he not notice before?
How did Kyoya find this information irrelevant?

Too late to be wondering why and how, he has to do something about it or else this will worsen.

M/N was ready— been ready for a long time.

but how would the host club even feel? would they even notice? would Kyoya care? So many questions were running inside his mind, and scared him to death knowing that they will perhaps never be answered.

Suddenly M/N's phone rings, he glances at it tiredly, and sees Kyoya.

He debated for a moment if he wanted to answer it and sighed before reaching out to grab his phone. Then his phone suddenly stopped, he sighed deeply. He left his phone on his bed, along with his bottle of sleeping pills. He didnt have the courage to overdose yet he was too tired to move, so he laid there comfortable under the warm blankets, the room was dark and the air was cold. This is comfortable for M/N but it seemed empty and loney when it comes to this.

He clutched his blankets more before silently sobbing his eyes out.

He then grabs the glass of water on the table beside him and opened up the bottle of pills.

Slowy, he took one by one.

M/N then grabs his phone and texted everyone, goodbye

and privately messaged Kyoya, i hope you find someone who loves you as i do.

With a tired smile and tear stained cheeks, M/N pulls the covers over his body and lets
himself fall into a deep sleep where he knows that he will never wake up again.
He could hear voices that were stressed, but he wasn't
able to listen, and instead of trying to, he let go of living.

a/n: ugh this oneshot sucks. i barely mention any interaction or dialogue.

i might add a part two or just completely recreate it,
but one thing is for certain, there will be a good ending where dear reader will not die

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