[Genshin] Diluc x Male!Reader

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You were always a traveler, often said to be very skittish, gifted with faster reflexes than most. While many people considered you to be a shy but agile hero, you really was just a mere traveler exploring the world.
You were extremely booksmart and was considered more of a male mage type. What fascinated people the most was your vision. You had dendro vision, it was rare and extremly uncommon, especially in people such as yourself. The only known dendro elemental characters rumored were in slimes, and a few mage hilicurls, these however, were just rumors... but you? you were the real deal. Many were often perplexed on how a man like you could have a vision as such.

You struggled to fight most of the time, as your dendro abilities were more meant for healing, and caring for the flowers and creatures that resided in nature.

Deep down, you were glad to be somewhat special, but you were also glad to have a vision as beautiful as so.

you could make a flower bloom by your own will, it was like everything livens right up when you were around, and this applies to everyone around you.

in the tavern where youd often quietly mingle with your good friend Venti, you sometimes found yourself looking over in Diluc's way and he always seemed to look you just the same.

Yall eventually got to know him and became friends with him overtime.

Despite being friends..
You still feared people like him, he was a pyro user... someone who could easily beat you up and destroy you.

Pryo always destroys dendro.

One night you were laying at a camp and was resting lightly, subcontiously growing more grass near you to make more of a pillow.

This sleep soon comes to
an end when you are startled awake to an evil, inhumane laugh that you knew well.

"ah a rare dendro human easy target." it hissed.

You scramble up and you grab your spell book, and jumped back away from
it's voice.

You couldnt see it, but you knew it had heat, a pyro abyss mage... one of which isnt your strong side.

You took a deep breath before summoning a root from the ground, and shooting it straight through the abyss mage's shield, shattering it in the process.

Within a minute or so, you managed to kill one, and the minute you sigh with relief you hear more laughter, and there you see 6 abyss mages ready to strike, and kill you.

So instead of fighting back you flee, looking back you saw them gone and then bam, you ran into one's

fuzzy headed and dizzy from the hit you laid there unable to function.
you could hear their laughs and it scared you even more.

you scrambled up and began to run, and you suddenly got
hit with hydro... your heart dropped, they were going to freeze you.

like lightning you summon walls around you into a tiny dome.

It was a protection shield.
but it was cracking.

you felt the water on the ground too, and you were drained from using magic.

when the shield shattered you were suddenly hit in the chest with ice and you go flying back, hidding the ground with a thud, you quickly scramble up and began to heal yourself.
you then created an extra shield coating. Suddenly bright red hair flashes before your eyes, and jumps into the fight, using your dendro abilities you used your tree branch abilities to hold the mages still. You constantly healed the mysterious Pyro user as well, granting him a protective barrier.

when the fight was over, you reconized the red hair, and suddenly it made

"Sir Diluc?" you ask.

He looks at you with those eyes of his, you found them to be oddly captivating at times.

"What were you doing out here alone where abyss mages can attack ?" Diluc asked

"Variety of reasons." you say tiredly before plopping onto the ground in exhaustion.

Instantly grass appeared beneath you, partially cushioning your fall.

"Care to explain?" He said in a demanding tone.

"no, and besides why would you care..?" you ask bluntly unaware of it making Diluc want to snap in annoyance.

"you shouldnt be out here you can get hurt." Diluc said.

"i can always heal myself."
you muttered.

"you fucking worry me ok? i dont want you to get hur-" Diluc suddenly snapped

you flinched at his sudden change of tone.
"im not trying to Diluc, im sorry for worrying you. i will live immediately to take the burden off your shoulders." you said, forcing back your urge to cry.

Suddenly a warm hand grabs yours and pulls you back.

"look im sorry, i dont know how to explain feelings."

"how do i explain how fucking worried i get when you're out here alone? if you cant afford a place to stay, come to my
winery, i will always let you stay there. if you're injured i will give you the best doctor i have, if you just want to be with me, ill be there." He mutters.

"i dont want to intrude." you murmur back shyly.

"with me, you will never
intrude me. come with me, we can talk more at the winery." Diluc replied.

You heard him but it wasnt enough for you to reply. you instantly collapsed to the ground, blacking out.

You open your eyes again and you find that you're being carried.

"umm, sorry Diluc, dendro abilities take alot of energy... i might have over exerted myself a bit back there hehe." you say.

his face reddens suddenly
"are you okay now?"

"i think so. i think i can walk." you reply.

"no can do, your health could get worse if i do." Diluc replied.

"im perfectly fine, im just tired."

"then consider this a tiny favor from me." he said simply.

"do you like carrying me?" you ask suddenly.

diluc's face blushes.
"i enjoy you." he replied.

"answer the question." you smile.

"its already been answered." Diluc replied.

"why dont you say it any-"

Suddenly lips met yours and instantly you melted into the kiss.

he pulled away and his stern gaze was soft, "because i love you, that's why." he replied in a loving voice.

"me too." you murmur, before nuzzling against his chest, inhaling the scent of his clothes and silently enjoying feeling of being in his arms

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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