[Hetalia] Depressed!Russia x Cat/Neko!Reader - alone

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as much as Russia tries, he always ends up alone. he could be the best in tech, the best in combat, battle, and war, it didnt matter if he was rich, or if he was poor, because he still ends up alone.

he would look around him, and find that, everyone but himself had a genuine friend.

everyone but him had someone to care about, to cuddle with, to... be his sunflower forever.

he wish friendship would come to him willingly

he hated how this world treated him, because he felt like no matter how hard his efforts were, his wishes were never granted.

he tried so hard to find someone to care.

he worked harder than most countries to find friends that care, but his efforts were always wasted, and thats because in the end, he doesnt matter. he realizes, all he's ever been was a nuisance to society, everyone wanted a free country while he simply wanted control because he was tired of everyone leaving him.

as most stereotypes go, many people consider Russia a man who drinks vodka everywhere and anytime.

the reality is that he was too tired, too sad, and too lost to feel the need to make it worse. vodka was his way out, his personal, drug to keep him semi sane

but his drunken state only made him feel lonlier because it just shows that drunk Russia was never going to matter to someone either

he wishes that he, russia, mattered, he wished every single day, that someone—anyone would just march into his life and save him from despair, one that sees him for who he is, and as someone who they can rely on anytime anywhere.

the lonliness was so unbearable.

he would sit in that pathetic excuse of a meeting with his smile and listen to rubbish being thrown left and right, and no one would walk up to him asking if he was okay, or how he was doing.

he hates that everyone was cared about except him.

the lonliness can drive anyone mad, and despite his mind always being a bit chaotic, he eventually snapled too.

when he did, he then hated everyone, period.

he hated how they all got to smile and laugh with one another freely, a luxury he never had.

he hated so many things, and it also explains the reason why he hates america so much.

america has the very things russia has always wanted.

perhaps this is where russian roulette got its name? the russian plays a game with himself because he has no one to play it with, and the lonliness was so bad he thought his very existence wasnt worth being here.

russia was tired of trying.


hes played russian roulette many times, always won, but he would wake up to find he was fine. he no longer found a reason to get up, so he stayed in his cold, lifeless room. where he can be cold, and alone forever. maybe if he asked lonliness to be his friend it would leave him too?

he hated this, every fiber of his being didnt want to be here. all he ever does is waste air, vodka, and time. he isnt worth it.

he doesnt matter; america made sure of that

it just shows that sometimes the villians are the ones
with the hero complex.
he never considered America much of a villian, rather one of those toxic friends that pretend to give a shit but then exploit everything you give them while you arent looking.

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