[Shield Hero] Naofumi x Hero! Reader

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you are whatever hero you like but for the purpose of the story, you are reconized as the scepter hero. all your abilities contribute to advanced healing, and buffs such as extra speed, teleportation, and advanced aoe's against enemies. *Your weapon is essential.
you were y/n, a simple girl who lived at a farm, but when you had fallen into the world where there are 5 cardinal heroes, you were no longer y/n, the boring farm girl, but instead was the heal hero, the one who weilds a scepter.

the minute you had appeared in the world, you had noticed something was strange about the people there.

you saw other heroes as well, the spear, bow, sword, and the shield.

this kind of reminds you of the video games you played in the real world, however, you concluded that this was infact real.
you felt pain in your body, the pain from being on the floor from the summoning.

time skip because the beginning did the hurted
turns out you make other heroes stronger by being in parties with them, which could be good for you right?

you saw the princess amongst the group of party members.
and instantly saw in her expression that she was ill intented. it was an instinct that you had that you noticed the shield hero was lacking. he liked her, you could tell.

later on your suspicions were confirmed, seeing everyone was angry at Naofumi, shield hero for raping the princess, but glancing over to her you see her smirk in triumph, and that angered you.

"that lying ass framed him. he was set up by that whore." you snarled before pointing at her.

"whatever do you mean? he raped me!!! why would i lie about that?"

"i would ask you the same question, why would you lie about it when he's done nothing wrong?" you snapped at her, her fake tears meant nothing to you.

"shield hero is a rapist? thats awful." the crowd chatted amongst themselves.

"yall are a bunch of idiots, cant you see the bitch is lying!!" you snapped.

Naofumi's expression looked lost, and defeated.
It broke you.

He walked out, and so you turned and gave the princess the worst glare you could muster,
"i hope you suffer you worthless whore." you snarled.

you left as well, not taking up a party at all, and so you followed the shield hero.

"hey Naofumi, what they did back there was shitty, but dont worry I believe you."
You said with a smile.

"I didnt fucking do it okay?! That bitch framed me!-"

"I defended you back there you moron, I know she framed you! So stop treating me like dirt when I have done nothing to hurt you." you snapped back.

His hurt gaze sofened.

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are. I'm partying with you wether you like it or not." You say stubbornly with a small smile.

"I thought other heroes in the same party weaken them?"

"The heal hero makes other heroes stronger." you reply, "they explained it to me the second my scepter appeared in my hand."

"its comforting to know that at least someone in this world believes me.." naofumi muttered.

"good evening shield hero, heal hero."

You and him jumped in unison.

A short guy with fancy clothes and a creepy smile emerged from the darkness.

"im here to offer you something great."

"not interested." naofumi mutters.

"oh but you will, as it is that i offer something that will never betray you."

lots of time skips because im a lazy writer
shield hero bought the sick slave girl. you looked around to find nothing in particular, however your interest became peaked when you looked at the high leveled monster in the cage.

curiosity of what this animal is capable of drove you completely insane, but thats what happens for being addicted to knowledge.

Naofumi and you teamed up from the beginning, both eagar to survive so they could go home.

but it seems like things didnt turn out the way they hoped.

it started at the battle at sea against glass. blood spewed from you, as you healed the more blood you continued to lose.

you focused your healing on naofumi, kept him up, scratchless, but you were beginning to lose your vision, your eyes were half closed but you never staggered, never flinched.

you then decide to cast the overpowered spell, a protection spell that weakens souls, you combined it with electricity, and heat, and it rained on glass, completely burning her skin to pieces, unable to move due to her soul weakening, complete rotten flesh from the combined elements that created your radiation.

after that, your vision faded as you tried to cast the healing spell.

the skies cleared upon your collapse. you tried so hard, and in the end you were going to die, here. you didnt mind because Naofumi was here.

you were sad you never got to tell him how you felt.

"y/n... wake up."

the blackness you were swallowed in faded, felt as though you were falling down a hole and then suddenly you were hit in the face with bright light.

your eyes adjust slowly, and you look over to see naofumi's head rested by her side, seemingly sleeping.

you slowly attempted to drag yourself up, but your arms failed you.

pain shot through your body, your ribs hurt, so much that you quietly whimpered, and it ended up waking Naofumi at an instant.

"y/n?! you're awake dont fucking scare me like that ok?" Naofumi snapped.

you frowned blankly before looking down at the bedsheets.

"it was never my intention" you muttered, suddenly exhausted again.

"i almost lost you y/n. if i lost you, id be losing whats left of my sanity. y/n i- i dont fucking know anymore.. so many thoughts run inside my head, and it feels like youre the only one who keeps them away." naofumi spoke, seemingly in a pleading way.

"i love you y/n. please dont do something like that again."
naofumi said before hiding his tear filled eyes away.

your gaze sofened, you had your good arm wrap around him to hold him close.

"l love you too." you whispered.

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