[Aldnoah.Zero] Slaine x reader - in the aftermath

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(ik its emperor asseylum or sum shit but idc also im making an aftermath one shot since the ending sucks ass) P.s this one sucks too, but if you saw the last episode of season 2 i think we can all admit this ending wouldve been WAY better than the way they had it.



slaine's sanity dropped overtime, he knew he was going to lose his marbles completely... but he pushed back the thought, and felt a little more human everytime he thought of princess asseylum. when she was lost somewhere on earth, was when his sanity rapidly declined, the torture he endured for her safety was more comforting than most of the things that went on there

when he finally saw her at last, that wretched and horrible orbital knight shot her, seemingly to death— and that was when his sanity broke, or rather a bottle that held all his rage, all his pent up rage that he's contained over the years he's been a practical slave to Vers.

but this age was a long time ago, the war against his own home- earth has been gone for a very long time.

the mental facility they locked him up in was more or less prison, but it didnt matter to someone like him because when he was locked up, he didnt wanna live anymore.

when every little thing he did to build himself a more lovable and respectable look begins to crumble is when he realized how much life wasnt worth living.

he realized long ago that the first love of his life married a man that wasnt him, to become the empress of vers, to end the war, a war he used to hate, as much as she.

this war was started by the orbital knights, in the end they all blamed Slaine for this huge fucking problem- or so it seemed for him.

you didnt seem to blame him though, you were a social worker, you often came in to water the lavendar and the four o'clocks on the windows and all around the halls.
you also chatted with everyone, listening to their problems, spending time with them.

slaine for the longest time couldnt see the beauty in her, as hes always been the boy whos eyes were set on the first princess- or empress.

Empress Asseylum was always the one he loved, its always been this way. unfortunately, she doesnt feel the same nor did she even give him a glance, she simply just married a man to give her the power to end the war.

his thoughts shifted to orange

Orange angered him, and yet he has the audacity to show his face once a week in this stupid mental institution.

he feels as though it was Orange- Inaho's fault for all of this, it was his fault that Slaine's still living, and suffering in this cruel world.

he then thought about you, and yet as much as he wanted to hate you... he never seemed to do so.

when he met you, you were kind, and gentle spoken.

you had that same stupid smile Empress Asseylum had, or at least thats what he thought of.

you angered him, and not only that but you also frightened him.

you had the eyes of someone who reads people as though they were simple books on bookshelves.

he felt naked each time you looked at him.

one day you gave him a reassuring smile to get him to eat his meals, since hes done everything in his power to die, even if he had to starve himself.

you gave him a smile that made him want to smile back and eat his share knowing everything in the end will be ok.

so he ate willingly after many weaks of living off of IV fluids.

you dont always smile everyday, but he knew nobody could keep the same one up, afterall he's faked his smiles for years.

little by little, slaine gets better physically and mentally, and he fails to even notice it.

over the last year you had worked with him, he knew almost every little thing about you, he always made little gifts with the activities he had to do at the facility.

throughout the year, the empress slipped away from his mind. he no longer saw empress asseylum as a lover, nor do he hate her, but rather respect her for her wish for peace— a wish she successfully made true.

to Slaine, he began to see your beauty begin to shine through Asseylum's happy face, her essence in his mind had faded away, he was finally free of her, free of it.

when Slaine was freed from the hospital, you were first to spend the day with him,

you showed him what has changed and what foods to try here at earth. whats changed since the war.

Slaine never thought he would see light like that again.

They sat at the cafe talking about random things until Inaho showed up.

"Its nice to see you out in the light Slaine." Inaho said in his normal monotone voice but with a small and varely visible smile.

for once in Slaine's life he had felt home.

He had his former enemy, who is now a friend.

A potential lover, to live for.

and himself, semi sane, sane enough to be grounded and find his happy place.

He was content with this, in the aftermath, he didnt suffer alone in a cage, being contained like poison until the end of him. instead of being locked away he found his reason to keep going, found his way to live without the empress, he's finally free.

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