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As the other order members took their leave, Dumbledore, Snape, and Regulus stayed behind.

"So what's the plan, Black?" Snape asked the girl with a sneer.

"Why are you asking me?" Said Lyra, obviously shocked since all of them were looking at her.

"This is your mission Ms. Black, and I know very well why I chose you to lead this mission" Dumbledore said, and Lyra though for a moment.

"I'm not prepared Professor, but give me a minute" Lyra said, as she took a parchment, and a quill out of her bag.

"Is she really your daughter?" Regulus said, and the three laughed at his statement.

"What's so funny about my question?" Regulus asked, Lyra looked up, and looked at Regulus.

"You always ask the same thing back at home just to annoy Dad, and especially when I'm being a sarcastic little prick" Lyra said with an eyeroll, while the two laughed.

Sirius smiled at this, and James nudged him playfully, "She's smart" James whispered to him, and he looked at the girl who was currently writing a whole plan in a piece of parchment, Sirius decided that he should at least get to know the girl.

He walked away from his friends and went to his daughter, he sat beside her, and in front if Draco, Draco nudged Hermione and gestured to Sirius.

"We'll leave" Hermione said as she pulled Draco away from the two.

Sirius took a peak at the parchment and saw that the girl was writing all her ideas, but one writing caught his attention.

"Never trust someone who you think is your friend, in short catch Pettigrew, so my Dad won't go to Azkaban, and Lily and James Potter can be safe" He read aloud, Lyra looked at him and gave him, a small smile while she wrote all the things that happened in the future.

"We already know about Pete" Sirius said, as he saw that Lyra was writing something about Peter.

"Hm, it's a good thing you've figured it out" Lyra said, as she waved her wand and the writing about Peter disappeared.

"I think this would work, but who's going to get it?" Sirius said pointing at one plan she made.

"Well you see..." Lyra looked at Regulus for help, and Regulus gladly sat down at her right side.

"Me and Dumbledore will do it" Regulus said, and Sirius' face fell, "Because of this you hid in America for years, and now you're doing it again?" Sirius said.

"He's not going to do it alone, ones we get that horcrux we'll destroy it after that we'll find the other horcruxes as well, and Kill Voldemort, we attack Malfoy Manor, ones we destroy all of it" Lyra told the two.

"How'd-" Regulus said still couldn't believe how she knew about it, with a sigh Lyra smacked her Uncle Behind the head.

"And I thought you were smart, if you are forgetting Uncle Reg, I'm from the future, and pretty much suffered a lot, especially in that Manor" She said, and Regulus pitied her, Lyra noticed this and chuckled lightly.

"Don't pity me Uncle Reg" She said, and Sirius can see the pain in her eyes.

"Bellatrix was the reason why you came here almost dying, am I right?" Sirius asked and Lyra nodded at him.

"Well, I think this plan will work and we can catch them" Sirius said and Lyra smiled at him.

"Professor I have a question" Lyra said turning to the Headmaster.

"Ask away Ms. Black" He said with a smile.

"When we get back to our own time, are you certain that it will only be us? And not ourselves here at this time?" Lyra asked and Dumbledore chuckled.

"Of course it will be you, the three of you are gone in your time" He said, and Lyra nodded.

"Here's the plan" Lyra said and all of them went to see the plan the youngest Black had made.

"First we need to get all the horcruxes, The Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw, Tom Riddle's Diary, The Gaunt's ring, the Locket of Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff's cup" Lyra stated.

"Where do we find all of these?" Lily asked.

"Good question, well you see The Diadem's in the room of requirements in Hogwarts, then the Diary's in Lucius Malfoy's possession, the locket's in the cave, and the cup's in Bellatrix's vault" Lyra explained.

"But since she is not yet married to Rodolphus Lestrange, it's in the Black family vault" Lyra continued, "We can get in" Regulus and Sirius said, and Lyra nodded.

"Wait, what's the room of requirements?" Remus asked them, Lyra chuckled, and Hermione started ti explain what, and where to find the room.

As Hermione explained they were listening very carefully, "And you haven't discovered it since it's not in the Marauders Map, so is the Chamber of Secrets" Lyra said.

"You have the map?" James asked an Lyra nodded.

"Used to have the map, me and the twins nicked it from Filch's office at third year, then at our last year we passed it down to Harry" Lyra said, and they nodded.

"But let me continue" Lyra said as she continued with her plan.

"Here's where it gets complicated, we need to sneak into Malfoy Manor to attack them, and here's the plan, the plan is quite simple, everyone knows that Snape's still on his side, so Snape needs to help us sneak in, and of course we need the most trusted members" Lyra said.

"And ones we get inside Draco shall lead the way since it's his house, and He knows every room, ones we're inside his parent's room, Hermione and Draco will get the notebook, while me, and Uncle James guard the door, while you continue to the hall, we'll destroy the notebook using- This" Lyra said getting a fang from her bag.

"You carry that around?" Sirius asked, and Lyra nodded with a smirk.

"My Godfather taught me a lot" She said winking at Remus.

"And we need to at least disarm Death Eaters without anyone from the room noticing" Lyra continued.

"But first let me assign some tasks, if that's alright" Lyra said looking at Dumbledore with a nervous glance.

"It's alright Ms. Black" With That Lyra smiled.

"I'll be getting the Diadem, Dad can get the cup, I know that Uncle Reg, and Professor Dumbledore are going to get the Locket, Uncle James, and Remus can get the ring at the remains of the Gaunt house, I'll give you a hint it's under the floorboard" Lyra continued, and they nodded at her.

"We shall start our mission as soon as possible" Dumbledore said.

"And we need to attack the Manor when we destroy all the horcruxes" Lyra added.

"And by that I mean tonight" He said, and all of them apparated out of the room to go to their respective missions.

While Lily, was with Draco and Hermione.



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