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Lightly edited


We finally pulled up to the museum. Oslo steps out the coach first, then Donatello. He turns back and lifts a hand to aide my descent from the carriage.
"Careful empress," he warns me.

There were three measly steps that hovered near the side of the coach; it couldn't have been higher than a tiny stack of books but I made it my mission to stumble and fall, allowing Donatello to leap into my protection.

"Whoa." He cursed beneath a husky voice. He caught me just in time, holding my waist tight so I wouldn't fall. I frowned before looking up, resting a gentle palm against his chest.

"Careful empress. I would hate it if you injured yourself under my supervision" he lectured.

"I'm a clumsy little thing, aren't I sir Donatello?" I cursed, holding the center of his jacket.

"No. Not at all empress." He smiled humorously, "Those steps are always so tricky."

I rested my head against his chest, relishing in his sent I had so painfully forgotten before separating. "Thank you" I look up to face him.

"Of course Empress" He nodded, helping me stand straight before leading me into the crowds.

The people of Spain waved and smiled as they saw me pass them. No one would have known I was royal but I had my crown on display; plus word had gotten around.
I knew it was a gamble coming to Spain. If word had already spread here, then it would have likely spread to Genovia. I just hoped by the time word got to Genovia, I would be on my way back. Leo couldn't punish Donatello if I was out of Spain but the time he found out.
I only wanted Donatello to be safe...

Donatello guided me into the museum, making his way amongst the crowd of people. It was a grand and elegant building with sculptures and paintings at each corner. Oslo lingered at some works of art, giving Donatello and I ample space to explore.

We discussed the inner workings of the artistic community and its core influences.
We laughed and smiled.
We joked about silly things we both thought was funny.
I enjoyed it and I knew he did too.

It seemed as if, nothing had happened...as if we picked up exactly where we left off.

And not that I was missing her company, but a couple of minutes had passed since I had last seen his fiancé. It was better for me though because it meant more alone time with Donatello.

Donatello and I walked along the path leading to another exhibition, creating a healthy distance between the crowds behind us.

"I like this one." I pointed, walking up to a delicately painted photo in a golden frame.

"Bellamentov, my favorite artist ." He said it almost immediately. "He makes you feel as if  you are a small apex on earth meant to repurpose your life" He admired, looking at each corner with regard.
"Come." He pushes an arm against the tail of my back, guiding me through a couple of more crowds.

He takes me to another room filled with portraits and artworks of art. There were so many different types of art and paintings. Every single one was magnificent.

But it was not the little paintings that caught my attention but the grand one hung in the middle of the room.
"It looks like me?" I whispered in awestruck wonder.

"It is you empress. I painted it... well a while ago." He mutters trying to conceal our timeline of events. "The museum commissioned it for quite a hefty amount. They favor the empress of Genovia."

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