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"I can't believe you! How could you father!" I yelled, pushing the dirty cups and plates to the sink to start my washing.

"Calla..." he begins, letting out the sigh he was so lazily holding in.

"You sold me and gave me to a man I don't even know!"

"He is not a man Calla, he is the emperor! And do you really think I really had a choice?"

The loud, echoing creak from our front door broke the heightened silence as my mother enters in. "I am backkkkkk!" my mother sings, stepping through the open door. She walks in with my younger sister in tow, bending to take off my sister's yellow sunbonnet before closing the door.

She stares at my father then at me as we stared dagger into each other. "Who died?" she frowns, reading the atmosphere of the room before moving to run a gentle palm through my wild mane.

She watched me with concern while her eyes lifted to the anger settled in my brows. My only "father" and your husband has sold his daughter to the emperor of Genova"

My mother glanced at my father then again at me, trying to determine the clarity of my words. "How poorly you jest Calla!" my mother tittered, kissing my cheek and unpacking her bags from the village market. Of course, she would dismiss my words, it sounded absurd.

"It's true mother! Ask him!" I fumed staring at him as he carelessly drunk his mead. I stepped to face her, gently pulling the dirted potatoes from her hands so she could focus. "Some priest from Genovia came in a golden carriage and offered his influence to buy me. He said I was the chosen one or something."

My mother stops sorting through the soiled potatoes and turns to face my father. "Rauolt? What is this she speaks of?"

He watches the dry logs of the fireplace, sipping his mug of beer while trying so desperately to avoid the conversation.

"Rauolt!" she shouts, rising to face him as he sat at his chair. He takes a final swig, chugging down the contents of the mug before throwing it against the wall. Shards of shattered glass crashed against the brick; its heavy sound making my sister jump into my arms, drawing behind me in fear. 

Our father was a loving man; honest, sight of mind and true...until he boozed. The mead he consumed always made sure to turn him into a monster.

"Calla....take Sarai to your room" my mother mutters through a harsh command. I take my sister into my arms and carried her up the stairs to my room.

Only silence filled our tiny home until we heard the yelling and shouting of my parents. Plates clattered against the floor, making Sarai pull closer to my chest. My mother asked my father to see the money the priest had given him but my father refused and cursed her away.

"Is it true Calla? Have you been sold?" She whimpered, "I do not want you to go Calla for I will miss you so" my sister cried in my arms

"I am not going anywhere Sarai" I whispered, kissing her scalp with care to soothe her troubles spirits "mother will forbid it."

"You always do this!!" my mothers voice belts from below.

"I hate it when they yell." she whispered, her chest vibrating with fear.

"Shh shh" I sing, pulling her shawl off and pushing her to the bed to rest. "Go to sleep Sarai. It will be over by the time you dream of fairies and castles in the sky. A prince will be coming to save you" I smile, gently pulling her beneath the covers to rest.

A lazy smile formed on her lips and she closed her eyes, pressing her head on the pillow to dream of a magical land of princesses and fairytales where her hopes and dreams could come true.

The next morning

I still remember the look of sadness that greeted my mother's eyes as she came into my room, telling me of my forcible fate. "Calla...you must understand that your father loves you! More than anything in the world."

"I have a hard time believing that." I cursed looking out the window to watch the villagers as they arise for their morning chores.

"Being a wife to the emperor is a task not given by many. You were chosen by God Calla"

"I wasn't chosen mother. The man who came here was simply a raging lunatic."

"Even if he was....we have no choice in discovering. It was either your agreement or... "

"Death" I inserted. She nodded, pulling my hair from my face. I hated the situation surrounding the matter of my ownership but I knew my father would never sell me out of selfish disdain. My parents had no choice but to oblige to the laws of the empire, even if that meant selling me.

"You know in the Christian religion, Mary, the mother of Jesus was chosen by God to be virginal. She carried the savior named Christ"

"Is this what they truly believe?" I chuckled, scoffing at the story she told.

"I suppose it does sound a bit strange when one says it out loud" my mother chuckles, quickly realizing the story may have been the best example of hope. "Well..just think of all the fun you will have. A golden carriage will whisk you away to a magical land of luxury. You will get servants and maids who will wait on you hand and foot. Rich foods will fill your palette. No more soiled potatoes or beets" she sighs, imaging an elegant life she would trade in an instant. She snapped out her daydream and looked into my eyes with care. "Isn't this what you've dreamed of? You are being whisked away to be a queen! Just like in your fairy tales"

I nodded my head softly trying to take in her words. "Yes, mother I know that but...I thought...?? I don't know? Maybe I would have to kiss a couple of frogs or have to grow out my hair to throw from a tal tower?" I smirked. My mother chuckled at my quip, understanding my jest.

"Do not make your stay there miserable because your heart is closed off" she advises. I look at my mother and listen to her wise words. My mother was a beautiful lady but the strains of poverty had tired her face. We were different in every way. She had long blonde hair while mine was dark and coiled. Black skin while hers was pale. I had loved her since the first time I laid eyes on her. She was the woman who had taken me from the streets and for that I would forever be thankful.

"Go with an open mind and heart Calla. It is your mindset that will determine the future of fate."

I tried to think of the life I would have at Genova but could not imagine leaving my family here in Cedonia, especially Sarai.

"Yes mother" I whispered, nodding at her sound advice. I couldn't imagine my life away from my family but for now, all I could do was wait.

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